At first clouds covered the sky, but when they parted, what an amazing sight. The biggest, brightest full moon of the year emerged. It was not pink, but it definitely was super.

According to the Old Farmers Almanac, Native American tribes gave each full moon a name. The first full moon in April was called Pink Moon, not because of its actual color, but because of its seasonal association with the mossy pink phlox wildflowers that bloom in early spring.

What makes a full moon a supermoon is that it reaches its perigee--closest point to Earth during its elliptical orbit--while in "full phase." Yesterday's supermoon was as close as it gets this year.
To me it was a great reminder that God is in control. COVID-19 is just a phase.
Thank you, we all need reminders who is in control.
Great way to make and important point! Love it!