


This evening at 11:15 PM I saved my last file to the cloud, filled out my last invoice, put the cap on my tally sheet pen, turned off my work computer, and ended a very long ride (23 years) of data entry and transcription work. 

Tomorrow will be the first day of a whole new chapter. A blank page waiting to be written on.  

As I doodled on the inside cover of my brand new notebook, I prayed for a verse to start off with. So far nothing has come. Any suggestions?



This post was written for Five Minute Friday 
Word prompt--CHAPTER
Five minutes to free write about it 

A couple of posts ago I had mentioned that my 23-year virtual job doing data entry and transcription was coming to an end, having been gradually phased out by advances in technology. 

Officially, the job ended on March 31st, but two of us were asked if we could stay on for an extra month until the last client had had a chance to transition--and then one more month after that. But now the end really is here and so begins a new chapter in my life. 

What came as a surprise announcement--to me at least--was no surprise to the Lord. He knows the end from the beginning, and had already set a plan in motion a little over a year ago when He nudged me into a second job, a writing one, that required me to step out of my comfort zone and start using my intellect instead of settling for the less challenging routine one I had become so used to and that felt so much more secure.

I'm also feeling nudged to get back to writing children's picture books. Blue Violet is one I started several years ago and never finished. Now that I will no longer have to spend the bulk of my day glued to my computer, there is no more excuse to keep procrastinating. 




This post was written for Five Minute Friday 
Word prompt--DELIBERATE
Five minutes to free write about it 

Deliberate: "to think about or discuss issues and decisions carefully" (Merriam-Webster dictionary).

A few days ago, as I rushed to make it to an appointment on time, the Lord allowed a pause to take place that forced me to slow down and deliberate.

I was stopped for a red light and fretting that on this day when I was about to be late, the lights were not coordinating the way they usually do. And then I saw a tiny something crossing the road–or was it a leaf being slowly blown across? 

Turned out it was a very small turtle making its way to the other side. The light stayed red long enough for it to make it safely there. A good reminder that not only is God's eye on the smallest creatures in His kingdom, but He is watching out for me as well.

P.S. I made it to my appointment on time, with a few minutes to spare.



This post was written for Five Minute Friday 
Word prompt--SOON
Five minutes to free write about it 

Soon (on the last day of his month), my 23-year virtual job doing data entry and transcription will come to an end. The need for it has gradually been phased out by advances in technology. 

Soon, the seeds I just planted will yield a colorful array of wildflowers that are supposed to attract butterflies and hummingbirds to my balcony. 

Soon the weather should stay warm enough for me to put them outside.

But the first thing that popped into my mind when I saw this week's prompt was "Soon And Very Soon," an old, old song that was sung in a Christmas play the kids at my church put on way back in the day when I still lived in New York. Now I can't get it out of my head, and I've been singing it all day long.
