

his post was written for Five Minute Friday
Word prompt--COMPLICATE
Five minutes to free write about it
This prompt made me laugh because I was feeling very frazzled when I saw it, and in the process of asking myself why life has to be so complicated.

I don't know if it's just me having a touch of amnesia or what, but it seems like things used to be so much simpler back in the day before AI, and technology, and phones being answered by robots who make getting to a live person a very complicated, aggravating, and time-consuming process.  

It's been a very frustrating day with very little accomplished. 

I'm so grateful that God never changes and that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Malachi 3:6, Hebrews 13:8).

I am grateful that we can come to Him in prayer 24/7 and get straight through without any hassle or getting put on hold. 

Reminds me of an old, old song -- Telephone to Glory (The Royal Telephone).


  1. It IS so frustrating trying to talk to a real person on the phone nowadays!!

  2. all the technology and gadgets we have to supposedly help us out, but often it just makes everything more complicated! You are right, it is so good to know that God never changes. Visiting from FMF#16

  3. Oh gosh, all those options to go through and then the wait muzak! I wonder if our kids will look back when they are older and long for simpler times!
    Visiting from FMF #17

  4. I agree, life has certainly become more complicated. All the tech stuff to make our lives easier sometimes doesn't.
    I never hear that song before - that was fun!

  5. Wow, I never heard that song before..good stuff.
    So sorry things have been complicated and I am right there with you!!
    Where would we be without the Lord?

  6. Richard Hicks4/6/24, 4:59 PM

    Praise God he doesn’t change like technology. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. Love this writing. Great job!!❤️

  7. Amen to the blessing of prayer! I had never heard the song, Telephone to Glory. Thank-you for sharing it. Loved this post!

  8. I can sometimes understand the having AI answer phones, but it can be so very annoying when it can't actually help you. And then trying to get the help you need. Saving money or helping people... it's a hard decision I think. FMF2


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