

This post was written for Five Minute Friday
Word prompt--LONELY
Five minutes to free write about it
All the pansies in our courtyard seem to be thriving, except for the ones bordering the walkway to the right of my building which, for some unknown reason, all died despite having the same exposure as the ones on the left.

One day, an insignificant looking patch of green appeared that I thought was a clump of weeds. But no. Just the other day I noticed a small flower peeking out from under the leaves (picture at the top of this post). 

The sight of that one lonely pansy warmed my heart. It filled me with hope and a reminder to never give up, because all things are possible with God.


  1. A good word for all of us...Never Give Up !!!
    Love your sweet little lonely pansy.

  2. All things, even for the lonely pansy. 🪻

  3. Pansies are one of my favorite flowers! Thank you for this message that all things are possible with God. Blessings to you!


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