

This post was written for Five Minute Friday 
Word prompt--MUSIC
Five minutes to free write about it 
This prompt bought so many thoughts to mind, but for some reason I had a case of brain freeze (if there is such a thing) and I wasn't able to get them out. And now it's already Tuesday. Not just any Tuesday, however.

Today is Tuesday, July 4th, and even though I missed our town parade this year, a memory came up in my Facebook with pictures of a past one I had attended. As I remembered what fun it used to be, I thought of marching bands, and John Sousa's rousing "Stars and Stripes Forever," and how even back in Old Testament days musicians playing trumpets and other instruments would lead the way as the Israelite army marched into battle. 

Music can do so many things. It can heal, comfort, inspire, uplift, change a mood, and impact our emotions in so many ways. 

I always get a kick out of watching little kids start to sway or dance when they hear lively dance music playing. There is something so catchy about it that gets even me to do the same. And when I'm feeling down, there's nothing like some praise and worship music to chase the gloom away. 

Soothing lullabies can help lull babies to sleep; listening to relaxing music helps me drift off as well; and back in Old Testament days, David was able to calm King Saul by playing him melodies on his harp when Saul was being tormented by an evil spirit.  

Sacred music played by a full classical orchestra or on one of those gigantic pipe organs gives me goose bumps. It touches my heart and transports me into the presence of God in a way I have no words to describe.

By now, I'm sure I'm way over five minutes. To be honest, I didn't time myself. Hope my thoughts are not sounding too disjointed and I was somehow able to get them across.


  1. This makes me think of the old saying "Music hath charms to soothe the savage beast". And it sure can evoke so many emotions. And something for me...when I hear an old song, I immediately think of what was going on with me at the time it was popular.

  2. Music is a gift for sure!
    I like John Phillips Sousa. It always makes me think of my mom. She had an album of those marches and she loved playing it.

  3. I've been thinking of patriotic music and all the great memories of July 4th past. Have a good week and keep cool.

  4. Wonderful memories provoked by music. Thank you for sharing your words. They are important. FMF Lisa

  5. This is a beautifully written post dear Sandra. I love listening to the likes of John Philip Sousa. His patriotic marching songs could stir the soul. Thank you!

  6. Happy 4th of July, Sandra! I didn't get to watch any of the festivities live this year, but I did watch the fireworks livestream.


Thanks for stopping by. Hope you enjoyed your visit and found something to make your day a little bit brighter.