

This post was written for Five Minute Friday 
Word prompt--ASPIRE
Five minutes to free write about it 

The first thing that came to mind was Proverbs 19:21--"Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails."

When I was very little I aspired to be a ballerina, and a few years later I aspired to be a concert pianist. Neither aspiration materialized. 

Then some years later I aspired to get married to someone I would grow old with and still be walking down the street with hand in hand. And I did get married, but my husband and I did not grow old together.

When I graduated from graduate school and was offered the job of my dreams, I opted for marriage and a move across the border. Sometimes I wonder what my life would now be if I had made a different choice.

On the other hand, there were many things I never aspired to that just happened. Like becoming an author of children's picture books. Writing books was never anything I had aspired to do. 

And after my husband's untimely death, I had a fear I too would die young and arranged for one of my friends to be the legal guardian of my two children should that come to pass. But God had other plans, and not only did I live to see them grow up, get married, and have families of their own, but I have been blessed with seven grandchildren and six great-grands, the youngest of which is the little munchkin sitting on my lap. 


  1. You are a rich lady, Sandra, with two children, seven grandchildren, and six great-grandchildren! Rejoicing with you in all your blessings!

  2. It is so true - some things in life occur without any aspirations on our part and some, of our aspirations never come to be. Yet, when we walk with God, we can be assured He will fulfill His plans for our lives.

  3. Thank you for sharing part of your life story with us. You are a blessed woman indeed. Your cup overflows!

  4. It's so true that our plans are usually not what happens. But such a blessing to know that God is in control!
    God has blessed you with a wonderful family.

  5. I am so sorry about your husband! This post make me think of the bible verse that says God has only good plans for us.

    1. I take comfort in knowing that no matter what He is always in control.

  6. Aspirations, such an interesting word...I think most of my aspirations never come to fruition, but God knows and I stay on my journey with Him.

  7. So often I have discovered that my aspirations for me are different from those which God has - and His are so much better!
    Thank you for sharing
    Your FMF neighbour from #9

  8. Isn’t it amazing the wonderful things God plans for us that we don’t aspire for? Thank you for reminding me of that! Your #fmf neighbor, Cindy

  9. Thank you for this beautiful blog, which actually serves as an eye-opener. It made me decide to entrust everything into God's hands. Thank you, dear friend.

  10. There is little that I planned
    that in my own life took place,
    but I see God's gentle hand
    and I feel the balm of grace
    of that which He gave in their stead,
    purpose, and a willing heart
    to be taught and to be led
    that I'd someday play the part
    for which He had formed my soul
    at the birthing of Creation,
    and it is a worthy goal
    to embrace my station,
    and in this saying to the One,
    'Not my will, but Thine be done,'

    1. Your sonnets always mean so much, Andrew. By now I think I have collected a whole book full of them.

  11. It must be really awful to lose your husband at an early time in your marriage. Although, if you hadn't married him you would not have your adorable grand children and great grandchildren. There are many things in my life where I have thought 'Should I have...?..' Yet I know if anything had been different in my past many good things would not have come to pass. The most comforting thing in this world is where we, as believers in Jesus, will go when we pass. God bless.


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