

This post was written for Five Minute Friday 
Word prompt--IMPULSE
Five minutes to free write about it 

My library used to have two gorgeous azalea bushes out front--one on either side of the door. That is, until several months ago when I was shocked to see that they were gone.

Upon inquiry, the librarian told me that the powers that be decided they should be replaced with something indigenous.

I'm wondering whether this was a well thought out decision or something done on impulse, because to date, nothing has been planted in their place. The spots where great beauty once stood are still bare.

Why do some people have such disregard for healthy plants with glorious blooms? It makes me really sad that they should be so easily discarded.

In the case of these pansies, it was not done on impulse. These spectacular flowers growing outside my physical therapy office building were uprooted so they could be replaced with begonias. Why? Because begonias are the standard in my neck of the woods, and the rich colors of the pansies would not have conformed to the look of the rest of the complex?

We once had a beautiful iris growing in front of the management office of our complex that bloomed faithfully every year. until one spring, a previous property manager impulsively had it pulled out because she did not feel its look would blend in with the begonias that were about to be planted.

I was not the only one to be stunned with disbelief that year.


  1. Good grief, you know a lot of people and places where the gorgeous plants have been pulled up. I agree with you, this is such a shame!!!

  2. I don't understand that either! And then to pull them and not replant? Crazy...

  3. Hmmm...so God made EVERYTHING in a variety of colors, sizes shapes and textures... Mixing colors is like our world and all that's in it. Truly crazy what people will do to make everything "correct".
    Ok I will get down from my soapbox now..

  4. Indigenous is now the thing
    that nutcases like to flaunt
    as to our world they try to bring
    the changes that they really want,
    like defunding the police,
    and giving jails an open door,
    banning each oil-drilling lease
    and blowing up Mount Rushmore.
    They want to make us see each other
    as some loathesome kind of troll,
    for if they make me hate my brother
    the inmates can then take control
    of the asylum they have built
    on shame and fear and useless guilt.

  5. such a waste eh? I woud hope that the pulled plants would have at least been offered up to others for a good home....

  6. While I get the need to plant indigenous plants, I wonder at the need to pull out what's already there. Thoughtless!
    Thank you for sharing these beautiful pictures.

  7. "Why do some people have such disregard for healthy plants with glorious blooms? It makes me really sad that they should be so easily discarded."

    What a matching analogy for our modern times.


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