

This post was written for Five Minute Friday 
Word prompt--WORK
Five minutes to free write about it 

Growing up, I was loved, but not unconditionally, and had a desperate need to feel significant. My self-worth was dependent on recognition received for a job well done, winning an award, or serving on some type of committee. For a good part of my life, my identity was very much tied into my work and accomplishments. 

Later, when I became steeped in New Age and occult doctrines and became a published numerologist, the novelty of being sought out for my expertise really gave my ego a boost. A status I enjoyed for several years until, in a most improbable way, the Lord stepped in and rescued me from the error of my ways.*

He opened my eyes to see that the unconditional love I had been seeking, and the sense of worth, could only be found through Jesus Christ. 

Jesus came to earth to die on the cross so we could be forgiven of our sins and set free to spend eternal life in Heaven with Him, enjoying the fellowship we were created to enjoy with the Lord before sin entered the world. This gift of salvation is a free gift that can only be received by grace through faith. It cannot be earned by good works.


for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, -- Romans 3:23, NIV

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. -- Romans 6:23, NIV

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. -- John 14:6, NIV

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, tht whoever believes in im shall not perish but have eternal life. -- John 3:16, NIV

God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can't take credit for this; it is a gift from God. -- Ephesians 2:8, NLT

*If you are interested in reading about how the Lord came to my rescue, it's all in my memoir--Sincerely Wrong: An Improbable Journey (available on Amazon by clicking on the link).


  1. I am so glad that the Lord is the Lord of Second Chances and you found Him. Redeemed

  2. Yeah, God had to work on me
    to undermine my foolish pride. Glad He did, because, you see,
    I shoulda woulda coulda died
    'cause I thought I knew everything
    and thought my life the best of times,
    so one day He had me take wing
    and fly through some high-tension lines.
    Quite a shock, literally,
    and it flash-burned my moustache off,
    and for a while I could not be
    the guy to ladies hat would doff,
    for as you've guessed it was quite true,
    that all my hair got burned off too.

  3. I'm so glad the Lord pursued us with His unconditional love, Sandra!

  4. Amen to all of this! And praises to God for opening your eyes!!

  5. Pride is a problem for all of us. I heard someone say once that most all sin is rooted in pride, and when you look at it, it often is. Glad God got a hold of you - and me!

  6. Very thoughtful! Good wishes for the week ahead.

  7. Thank you for sharing so authentically, Sandra. I can see how this could be true of so many of us!

  8. Thank you for sharing this testimony! How often we all fall into the error of thinking we can work hard enough to be loved and feel significant, and how gracious God is to keep reminding us that his love is unconditional. :-)

  9. Thank you for sharing with us your testimony. We are nothing without Him. I try to remember that every single day. What beautiful verses you have shared as well. Have a lovely weekend.

  10. Thank you for the beautiful verses you shared with us, Sandra.
    Happy Tuesday!


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