

Over the years the Lord has used my plants to teach me many lessons--and sometimes just to encourage me and remind me to look up instead of around. And so it was in this season when the circumstances of my life were looking as impossible as the prospects of any wildflowers growing from the seeds I purchased in the spring.

The packet said they would attract hummingbirds and butterflies, and I felt excited and full of anticipation as I planted them in several window boxes and pots. 

Before long they started to sprout, and I put them outside.

They continued to grow quickly but did not produce any flowers. Just a variety of green leaves that soon started to droop and wither.

I wondered if perhaps I had overcrowded the seeds, or put them out before it was warm enough, or there had been too much rain?

When they started to die, I became discouraged and disappointed, but could not bring myself to throw them out. 

Though I had pretty much given up on them, I half-heartedly watered them from time to time. 

One day when I least expected it, two buds appeared that soon turned into two tiny flowers--one pink, the other blue--and a small yellow butterfly flitting around my balcony.

Another day I was surprised to find a mini sunflower and several more buds.

A very timely reminder that no matter how things may be looking in the natural, God is always in control and to be trusted. Nothing is impossible with Him.


  1. I love this, and the lesson you shared from it!

  2. AND to have patience! All things have their time.

  3. Wonderful illustration of how we are to Wait on the Lord. Its difficult at times. Things are very difficult for my older son right now. He trusts the Lord with all his heart but the answers don't seem to be coming (just like your plants) Abraham had to wait 25 years for God's promise to come to fruition... We just have to Keep on Keeping on!

  4. A beautiful reminder, Sandra.
    And yes, nothing is impossible with Him.

    Hugs and blessings


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