If I hadn't taken this picture that proved it had been there, I would think maybe my mind was playing tricks on me and I had only imagined it.
After a disappointing start to my efforts to grow wildflowers, some flowers started to bloom, and I was excited to see what this big bud would turn out to be. However, when I went out on the balcony to check on it a couple of days later, it was gone. Not dead or dried up, but gone without a trace.
Word prompt--MILESTONE
Five minutes to free write about it
My first thought was that unless I live to be 90 or 100, there probably won't be any more milestones in my life until that major one when I go home to be with the Lord.
I was going to skip the challlenge, but then readig some of the other posts helped me think outside the box.
Milestones don't have to be momentous events such as milestone birthdays, weddings, graduations, or the birth of a child. Finally being set free of an ugly habit after over three quarters of a century of unsuccessful attempts, or for the first time being able to complete a writing assignment that I'm painfully slow at in one day, or unexpectedly seeing new buds and flowers growing in the pots of wildflower seeds I had planted and given up on, are all milestones too. Even waking up to the gift of a new day is a milestone not to be taken for granted.

Over the years the Lord has used my plants to teach me many lessons--and sometimes just to encourage me and remind me to look up instead of around. And so it was in this season when the circumstances of my life were looking as impossible as the prospects of any wildflowers growing from the seeds I purchased in the spring.
Before long they started to sprout, and I put them outside.
They continued to grow quickly but did not produce any flowers. Just a variety of green leaves that soon started to droop and wither.
I wondered if perhaps I had overcrowded the seeds, or put them out before it was warm enough, or there had been too much rain?
Though I had pretty much given up on them, I half-heartedly watered them from time to time.
One day when I least expected it, two buds appeared that soon turned into two tiny flowers--one pink, the other blue--and a small yellow butterfly flitting around my balcony.

A very timely reminder that no matter how things may be looking in the natural, God is always in control and to be trusted. Nothing is impossible with Him.
Word prompt--DECIDE
Five minutes to free write about it
My new chapter (post data entry/transcription job) did not start out the way I had hoped or anticipated it would.
As I navigated the rough patches, my thoughts turned nostalgically to my abandoned blog, AT THE FOOT OF THE CROSS. On a whim, I decided to use it, instead of the nice blank notebook I had been looking forward to writing in, to document what this new phase of life would bring.
My notebook was all set up. The quote I had decided on to use for the chapter theme (a suggestion made by my blog friend Ginny Hartzler) was already inscribed on the first page. There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind. -- C.S. Lewis
Though not what first went through my mind when I decided on that quote, there is much truth there for those who have accepted the gift of salvation. This world is not our home. We are just passing through.
When I saw this week's prompt I thought of the many bad choices I have made on my journey, and some of the good ones too, and how the best one of all was when I decided to follow Jesus.
Word prompt--WORK
Five minutes to free write about it
Growing up, I was loved, but not unconditionally, and had a desperate need to feel significant. My self-worth was dependent on recognition received for a job well done, winning an award, or serving on some type of committee. For a good part of my life, my identity was very much tied into my work and accomplishments.
Later, when I became steeped in New Age and occult doctrines and became a published numerologist, the novelty of being sought out for my expertise really gave my ego a boost. A status I enjoyed for several years until, in a most improbable way, the Lord stepped in and rescued me from the error of my ways.*
He opened my eyes to see that the unconditional love I had been seeking, and the sense of worth, could only be found through Jesus Christ.
Jesus came to earth to die on the cross so we could be forgiven of our sins and set free to spend eternal life in Heaven with Him, enjoying the fellowship we were created to enjoy with the Lord before sin entered the world. This gift of salvation is a free gift that can only be received by grace through faith. It cannot be earned by good works.
for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, -- Romans 3:23, NIV
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. -- Romans 6:23, NIV
Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. -- John 14:6, NIV
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, tht whoever believes in im shall not perish but have eternal life. -- John 3:16, NIV
God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can't take credit for this; it is a gift from God. -- Ephesians 2:8, NLT
*If you are interested in reading about how the Lord came to my rescue, it's all in my memoir--Sincerely Wrong: An Improbable Journey (available on Amazon by clicking on the link).

Word prompt--IMPULSE
Five minutes to free write about it
My library used to have two gorgeous azalea bushes out front--one on either side of the door. That is, until several months ago when I was shocked to see that they were gone.

Upon inquiry, the librarian told me that the powers that be decided they should be replaced with something indigenous.
I'm wondering whether this was a well thought out decision or something done on impulse, because to date, nothing has been planted in their place. The spots where great beauty once stood are still bare.

In the case of these pansies, it was not done on impulse. These spectacular flowers growing outside my physical therapy office building were uprooted so they could be replaced with begonias. Why? Because begonias are the standard in my neck of the woods, and the rich colors of the pansies would not have conformed to the look of the rest of the complex?
We once had a beautiful iris growing in front of the management office of our complex that bloomed faithfully every year. until one spring, a previous property manager impulsively had it pulled out because she did not feel its look would blend in with the begonias that were about to be planted.
I was not the only one to be stunned with disbelief that year.

The mama instinct of a bird that built her nest under the lid of my daughter's propane tank.

My two youngest great-grandsons. (My two great-granddaughters make me smile too, but I'm not allowed to post their pictures on social media.)
My grand-dog, Oliver, who is a very naughty dog, but such a good sport.

Watching my oldest grandson bond with my youngest great-grandson, and hearing the giggles as he gets tossed in the air.
This patio in my complex that reminds me of the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
Seeing this little vehicle parked in a regular parking spot.
And last, but not least, the smile on the face of this young lady who, by the amazing grace of God and the love, devotion, and untiring efforts of a most amazing mom, has beaten odd after odd after odd and just graduated from high school. What a testimony they have to share!
Word prompt--MUSIC
Five minutes to free write about it
This prompt bought so many thoughts to mind, but for some reason I had a case of brain freeze (if there is such a thing) and I wasn't able to get them out. And now it's already Tuesday. Not just any Tuesday, however.
Today is Tuesday, July 4th, and even though I missed our town parade this year, a memory came up in my Facebook with pictures of a past one I had attended. As I remembered what fun it used to be, I thought of marching bands, and John Sousa's rousing "Stars and Stripes Forever," and how even back in Old Testament days musicians playing trumpets and other instruments would lead the way as the Israelite army marched into battle.
Music can do so many things. It can heal, comfort, inspire, uplift, change a mood, and impact our emotions in so many ways.
I always get a kick out of watching little kids start to sway or dance when they hear lively dance music playing. There is something so catchy about it that gets even me to do the same. And when I'm feeling down, there's nothing like some praise and worship music to chase the gloom away.
Soothing lullabies can help lull babies to sleep; listening to relaxing music helps me drift off as well; and back in Old Testament days, David was able to calm King Saul by playing him melodies on his harp when Saul was being tormented by an evil spirit.
Sacred music played by a full classical orchestra or on one of those gigantic pipe organs gives me goose bumps. It touches my heart and transports me into the presence of God in a way I have no words to describe.
By now, I'm sure I'm way over five minutes. To be honest, I didn't time myself. Hope my thoughts are not sounding too disjointed and I was somehow able to get them across.
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