

his post was written for Five Minute Friday
Word prompt--THROUGH
Five minutes to freewrite about it
The first thing that popped into my mind when I saw this week's prompt was an old song, Through It All, written and composed by Andraé Crouch.


Life can be rough, and I've had my share of highs and lows, but even in the darkest valley, Jesus has always been right there with me, through it all.

One of the darkest storms I ever experienced was a near death experience over seven years ago when I went to the Emergency Room feeling short of breath and wound up intubated, heavily sedated, and hooked up to a ventilator, with acute heart failure and double pneumonia. 

There was some speculation as to whether or not I would be able to pull through, and I am convinced that were it not for God's grace and the strong, unwavering faith of the army of prayer warriors  who battled the forces of darkness surrounding me and fought the fight for me, I would not be here today.

Some of the most important lessons the Lord has ever taught me took place during those 27 days I spent in the hospital and the lengthy recovery period following. Not only did He work through this experience to reveal Himself as Jehovah Rapha, healer of my physical body and emotions, but He also taught me about love, friendship, and the power of intercessory prayer.

While still in the hospital, I felt inspired to write Oil Of Myrrh, a testimony to God's goodness, and the way He worked in my life through what started out looking like an insurmountable event. A free PDF is also available by double clicking on the image of the book cover on my sidebar.


  1. You sure found your God given talent!!! And are helping others to find the true God.

  2. From the Oil of Myrrh description at the link:

    "...the improbable journey that led her from the occult to Christianity at a time in her life when she was convinced she had all the answers, and was no longer seeking."

    This gives me hope for those I am praying for. 🩵

  3. I immediately thought of that song when I saw the title of your post. We had that CD back when we had a CD player.
    The older we get, the more we can look back and see how God has been with us.
    I've read your book and appreciate your amazing testimony and the way you share it.

  4. God is so good!! I love that song, Thanks for always posting at my blog. I am an author as well. God healing hand has worked tremendously in me as well! Praise the Lord!! Looking forward to reading more from you. I am running late. I usually already have posted. God bless you and hold you close to HIs heart.

  5. It’s amazing how God works through our trials to teach us profound lessons and reveal His unwavering love.
    Your journey from such a critical health scare to writing Oil Of Myrrh is a testament to His grace and healing power.
    Thank you for reminding us of the strength and comfort we can find in Him.
    May you continue to be a beacon of hope and faith to others, Sandra.

  6. What a story!!! Thank you and thank God. Testimonies are soooo powerful!


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