

his post was written for Five Minute Friday
Word prompt--SAME
Five minutes to free-write about it
This week's prompt made me think of how often I automatically respond, "same old, same old," when people ask me what's new. In fact, I even did it today while catching up with a friend over the phone.

It is true that most of my days are filled with the same old, same old grueling schedule that leaves little to no time for anything else. However, I cling to the hope and anticipation that it won't always be this way. 

Meanwhile, I know that even though I may not be able to control the same old, same old grind facing me each day, I can change the way I experience it by changing my perspective. And so every morning during my quiet time, after I thank God for the gift of a new day and for watching over me and protecting me while I slept, I ask Him to give me strength to make it through my day, and show me new ways of looking at the things I need to do and better, more creative ways of doing them. Then it won't be the same old, same old anymore, even if it is. Does that make sense?


  1. It makes sense. God is with you. He will never leave.

  2. It does make sense and it's a good prayer for all of us!

  3. It sure does make sense! And how cool to actually be praying about it. In fact, I always say that nowadays, a day when nothing happens is a good day for me.

  4. Very much so! It definitely makes sense :) Prayer is very powerful! Have a great weekend my friend :)

  5. Amen! It's easy to get stuck in the rut of same ol' same ol' (that's how we say it 'round here), but God is faithful to show us things we haven't seen before. Sometimes He gives us new challenges to take our mind off the old! LOL

  6. It makes beautiful sense. Heavenly perspective makes everything new, even the same old same old. Visiting from FMF#14


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