

his post was written for Five Minute Friday
Word prompt--REVERSE
Five minutes to free-write about it

Oh how I wished I could reverse the time I woke up this morning. What a shock to see that it was already 12:30 PM.  I don't recall ever having overslept that late before. Not even back in my college days.

There was so much I had planned to try and cram into my day, and now half of it was already gone. Since there was no way to reverse the hours lost, I chose to reverse my thinking instead and put my trust in God and His alternate plan. 

Looking at my life in retrospect, I must admit that even in those times when it did not seem to be the case, His track record for having had a better plan than mine has been 100 percent. And so it turned out to be today as well.

I've been trying to reverse some of the damage I've done to my body by exercising and eating healthier, but I still don't get anywhere near enough sleep, and I think God allowed today's deep sleep to happen to show me how important it is to get enough rest, and what a huge difference it can make.

When I looked in the mirror while brushing my teeth, I was surprised to see how much bigger and brighter my eyes looked. That was certainly an unexpected reversal of what I had come to believe was normal. Not only that, but I had more energy, a little spring to my step, and my pain level was surprisingly diminished as well. 

This gives me hope that if I make a habit of getting a good night's sleep to the rest of my efforts, some of my other issues may be reversible as well.


  1. I totally agree! Your body must have really needed this sleep. And that is more important than anything you had planned for the day.

  2. "I've been trying to reverse some of the damage I've done to my body by exercising and eating healthier..."

    😄 This could be read two ways...smile.

  3. Yes, you must have really needed that rest. I'm glad you slept well.

  4. funny isn't it, how God shows us what we need? FMF13

  5. That's wonderful and God is in the Repair business for sure. You saw the difference and that's the impetus to move further.. Good for you.
    Fantastic Prompt for your post today.

    1. To answer your question on my latest blog post. the "rocks" are glass pieces used to be pretty in the bottom of bowls and for plant drainage. i like to put them in glass bowls sometimes with water to float flowers and sometimes just to be sun catchers.
      I had forgotten that these were outside in an old ceramic pot and seemed to be a photo op in the making..(:0)

  6. I'm happy to hear you slept well last night.
    Recently, I've found that taking melatonin an hour before I go to bed really improves my sleep quality.

    Hugs and blessings, Sandra


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