


This post was written for Five Minute Friday
Word prompt--COVER
Five minutes to free-write about it

Two things popped into my mind when I saw this week's prompt, COVER

The first was Peter's exhortation to us in 1 Peter 4:8 (NLT) -- Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins.

The other was a song I've been hearing on the radio a lot recently -- "Yes, Jesus Loves You, and I'm Trying" by Jason Gray. 


It seems I needed this reminder that God loved us so much--all of us--even those I find most irritating and annoying--that He sent Jesus to die for us on the cross so we could be forgiven of our sins and redeemed by the covering of His blood. It reminds me to look at the log in my own eye instead of the speck in the eye of a friend (Matthew 7:4). It reminds me that none of us is perfect and people's flaws and failings (my own included) do not determine our identity.

Before today, I had just focused on the first couple of verses of this song, which I could totally relate to because the words echoed how I feel about certain others in my life. However, when I looked up the rest of the lyrics before writing this post, I was surprised by the last verse, which gives it quite a different twist. 

It’s like the song says it begins right here with the man in the mirror
If I hope to love my neighbor well 
‘Cause I’ve lived long enough to learn the faults I find in others 
Are the same things I don’t like about myself 
My shame goes on parade when I need someone to blame
But grace whispers my name 
God help me speak these words into the parts of me I’m hiding 
“Yes, Jesus loves me, yes Jesus loves me, oh yes, Jesus loves me, and I’m trying.”


  1. "God loved us so much--all of us--even those I find most irritating and annoying"

    That's a relief honestly!

  2. I just heard that song for the first time and thought it was so good! I sent it on to some friends.

  3. I have heard that the fault's of others are often the same as our own. Great song words.

  4. Powerful verse..Thank you for the reminder..Love your prompts for your blog possts.

  5. nicely written. :) FMF15

  6. I love your take on the word cover. Its nice to have a song to listen to with your posts. I may be doing that in the future. GOD bless you and your anointed writings. FMF#14


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