

This post was written for Five Minute Friday
Word prompt--CHOICE
Five minutes to free-write about it
Whenever the topic of choice comes up, my mind immediately conjures up all the poor choices I made when I was young that led me to where I am today. Why is that?

I'm sure that somewhere along the way I must have made good choices too, but those memories seem to lie hidden way beneath the surface of wherever my memories are stored.

I do, however, vividly remember one good choice I made. The very best choice of all, which was the choice to turn my life over to Jesus and accept His gift of salvation. It was a choice I could only have made by the grace of God and through His relentless pursuit of me.

I was on a very dark path which I thought was the right one, and where I was quite content to be, even persuading others to embark on it as well. But that was one misguided choice the Lord prevented me from following through with to its disastrous conclusion. 

I am thankful beyond words that God did not leave me where I was, convinced that I had all the answers and that the lie I believed in was the truth. I am so grateful that He interceded and opened my eyes to the folly of my ways.

My five minutes is up, but if you are interested in knowing the details of that improbable rescue, you can read about it in my memoir, Sincerely Wrong: An Improbable Journey.


  1. That was the most important and best choice you ever made!

  2. When we keep regretting our bad choices of the past, I think it can be a good thing in a way. It means we have a good conscience and want to do better.

  3. Amen! Some choices we have no need to regret, and that's the most important!

  4. Hi Sandra~ Thanks for sharing that wisdom with us. God's plan for us is amazing, and I know He had/has a plan that's perfect for you. I think you are such a good example for soooo many, including me. God forgives completely - it's us that have a hard time forgiving ourselves. Thank goodness you made the choice to follow, God's plan! I'm so glad! Hugs, Barb

  5. That decision was undoubtedly the most crucial and excellent choice you've ever made, Sandra.

    Hugs and blessings!

  6. Hi Sandra, I always say that the bad things that we have done before coming to the Lord is sometimes meant to happen for a reason. When we have experienced dark times it enables us to have understanding of those going through the same things. When we have empathy then we have sympathy. God bless you .

  7. God is so very patient with us isn't he? visiting from FMF17

  8. Yes, the most important and life-changing choice any of us make! How gracious of God to continue to place the opportunity before us to choose HIS way. Visiting from FMF#13

  9. You have caught my interest. Glad that you are in a happy place now.


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