

his post was written for Five Minute Friday
Word prompt--CAPACITY
Five minutes to free-write about it
This week's prompt is a very appropriate one for me as I struggle to accept that my capacity really is finite. 

The dictionary defines capacity as the maximum amount something can contain or produce, and that's where I'm at right now. Much as I wish it were not so, in order to do what's most important on my list of priorities, there are other things I would also like to do that I have to say no to. That has been something really, really hard to come to terms with.

The other day I was looking for a book in my Kindle library and was shocked to see how many of the books in it have never been read. There is also a large box of unread books in my closet that were all purchased with the intent to read. Yet I keep borrowing books from the library. The thought crossed my mind that given the present season of life I'm in, there is probably no way I could read all of what I already have before reaching the end of my journey so why do I keep borrowing more? 

And so I've done some soul searching and a lot of praying and asking the Lord to help me reorder my priorities. One thing He made clear is that I need to let go of the idea that I can change the things that currently need changing in my circumstances through my own efforts. That is something only He can do. My part is to trust in His provision and strive for more balance in my life, and that is what I've been trying to do.

Last week I made two major decisions that surprisingly relieved a lot of unnecessary stress. The first was to return my pile of borrowed library books, sort through what I already have, and read the ones I still want to read before borrowing any more.  I also took a couple of days off and, with some trepidation, put everything on hold that I had thought couldn't be put off, so I could complete a project dear to my heart that I had started a year ago. Much as I'd wanted to get it done, I kept putting it off because I felt overwhelmed by everything else on my plate and was convinced there was no time for anything else. What a lie that turned out to be

Nothing terrible happened as a result of my taking the time off, and all it took were those couple of days to finish my project (a children's picture book about my great-granddog, Oliver) and get it published on Amazon. I'm still pinching myself to make sure it really did happen that fast after all the many months of procrastinating and feeling frustrated at not being able to find the time to get to it. I think there's a lesson there to be learned.

If you are interested in checking out my book, here is the link to it. 


  1. I am facing the same thing, as I am 75 now, with bad arthritis all thru my knees and back. No time to procrastinate anything, yet no energy to do it! I'm glad it worked out well for you!

  2. I've also found that it's surprising how fast I can do something that I've been procrastinating on if I just get to it.
    The book looks very cute!

  3. I just went on Amazon and sent a copy to my niece! 😄

    1. My niece and her kids LOVED the book!

  4. What a timely and excellent lesson in reordering life well. I'm so glad you finished that project! (And I know exactly what you mean about the Kindle library! Eeks.) Visiting from FMF#15

  5. Glad to hear you accomplished what needed to be done. Congratulations on your new book! There's a lot to be learned day to day and I believe any obstacle is an opportunity to evaluate what truly matters to our lives and that we can learn to truly depend on the Lord knowing that we can't truly do anything with just our own strength. You being prayerful blesses my faith 🙏 and reminds me to do the same. Be prayerful always. Take care & stay strong in the Lord's mighty power . - Rosel from Off The Beaten Trek

  6. One thing He made clear is that I need to let go of the idea that I can change the things that currently need changing in my circumstances through my own efforts. That is something only He can do. My part is to trust in His provision and strive for more balance in my life, and that is what I've been trying to do.

    Hello, I loved the above ... thank you for sharing these words with us. It was a good lesson for me.

  7. My life is similar in a way. I love reading Christian blogs, but there are so many to read on the internet that I can not find the time to read them all. Some bloggers put a post up every day, but I can only put a post up when I am brought to do it - which is once a week or morel. Everything is meant to be according to the Lord, and life is an ongoing journey. God bless you for sharing your thoughts.


  8. I'm freeing up a trunnion
    kind of how a cook might peel
    the layers from an onion,
    except that it's encased in steel.
    It's something that I planned to do,
    a rifle build, for quite some time,
    but now my own time's almost through
    and there's no room for denyin'
    that soon I'll lack the wherewithal
    to do the heavy Dremel grinding.
    It's been a really long hard fall,
    and I do not need reminding
    that the sudden stop at end
    does not feel quite like a friend.

    Looks like a charming book!

  9. It’s so easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of wanting to do everything and then feeling overwhelmed when we realize we simply can’t. Your decision to focus on what’s most important and trust in God’s provision is inspiring. Congratulations on publishing your children’s picture book about your great-granddog Oliver!
    It’s a beautiful reminder that when we prioritize and give ourselves grace, amazing things can happen. Your journey is a testament to the power of faith and balance. Thank you for sharing this heartfelt lesson with us.
    Please keep me in your prayers. The situation with my inconsiderate neighbors is severely affecting my mental health, and I have been sleep-deprived for many days.

    Hugs and blessings, Sandra

  10. So good that you've been doing soul searching, and are navigating circumstances through trust and guidance. My daughter and I love the library too! So exciting that you published your children's book, looking forward to reading it! Hope you have an amazing rest of the summer!

    xoxo, Midori



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