

This post was written for Five Minute Friday
Word prompt--WASTE
Five minutes to free write about it 

This prompt felt heavy. It came on a day when my heart was grieving over regrets about my shortcomings as a parent, and all the poor choices I had made in the past that led me to where I am today. I was having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that the slate really was wiped clean the day I accepted God's gift of salvation and invited Jesus into my heart to be Lord of my life.

And then in the midst of it, the prompt WASTE triggered many other regrets as well. Regrets of all the many things I've wasted during the course of a very long life -- time, talents, opportunities, education, money, health. If it weren't for the two children, seven grandchildren, and six great-grands who I dearly love and who it makes me happy to see are living out well the dreams I once had that never came to pass, I would add regrets over a wasted life as well, But having them was definitely not a waste.

My comfort is that from God's perspective, nothing is a waste. He sees the end from the beginning and I'm sure that His view of the tapestry He is weaving does not look anything like the tangle of knots visible on my side. I'd like to believe that all those things I now regret were part of His design,  and without them I would never have felt the need to turn to Him, which would have been a greater regret by far.


Your faithfulness extends to every generation, as enduring as the earth you created. Your regulations remain true to this day, for everything serves your plans. -- Psalm 119:90-91, NLT

You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. -- Psalm 139:16, NLT

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose. -- Romans 8:28, NLT


  1. He called you to Him when you were at your worst. Remember that.

    A few years ago I fell into self-condemnation like this. It isn't from God. I believe what caused this in me was a couple of things. One, un-dealt with things of the past I needed to give to God, but also something as simple as thinking about what another person should do. You know, life advice I would give someone else if they had asked, which they had not so it was just in my head. However, it was still condemnation. The Lord told me to have nothing to do with it. It was swinging back around and hitting me. It was a heart issue, all of it. 🩵

    I have NO idea if that is what you are thinking, BUT I do know condemnation is not of God. He loves you. He wants you to be free.

  2. I totally agree. And the first thing that came to my mind was this verse from Romans. What an encouraging post!

  3. It is by His grace alone that we can know that our lives are not in vein and certainly not wasted, I am sure you are an amazing blessing to your grandchildren!

  4. I also thought of the verse from Romans. What a comfort!

  5. Hi Sandra - I believe that if we repent of those things and truly go to God with absolute humble intention, we will be forgiven of our past sins. We are so loved, and God will forgive us and wipe our slate clean. It is us, who have a hard time forgiving ourselves. I struggle with the same thing, Sandra, but I have to have faith in a loving Father who only wants me to return to Him, and will give me every chance to make to His loving arms. You are so loved by your family and so many others who you may not even realized you touched in some way. Hugs, Barb

  6. I agree - it's such a comfort to know that God restores the years the locusts have eaten and can redeem our wasted time and efforts when we give it over to him. God is multiplying blessings through you now! Visiting from FMF#19

  7. Thank you for sharing. I have felt all of this, and am currently feeling it. Your post was encouraging. I need to get up, dust myself off, and keep moving. 💕

  8. Hi Sandra, I love the scriptures that you have put up here, this is how God speaks to us and comforts us when we are going through trials. The words from the devil are negative, the Words from God are positive, and being in Christ enables us to mature in God's ways and thoughts. God bless you with all He has for us in Jesus.

  9. I can feel the weight of those regrets in your words. It's tough when the past comes knocking. I can relate to those feelings. Your post provided some encouragement, reminding me that despite the heaviness, there's a call to rise, shake off the dust, and continue the journey.

    Hugs and blessings, Sandra.

  10. Oh my, you hit my heart, I struggle with the same feelings. I have to fight off the demons when they come knocking and reminding me of my mistakes.

  11. Thank you for your honesty. It is relatable. I am very glad that you shared the Bible verses, especially those from Paul's letter to the Romans. xxx Aritha.

  12. Thank you for sharing your feelings with us. Also the last sentences: My comfort is that from God's perspective, nothing is a waste. He sees the end from the beginning and I'm sure that His view of the tapestry He is weaving does not look anything like the tangle of knots visible on my side. I'd like to believe that all those things I now regret were part of His design, and without them I would never have felt the need to turn to Him, which would have been a greater regret by far.

    And the Bibel verses too! How comforting it is! I wish you all wel and many enjoyable moments with your loved ones

  13. Ditto on everything other commenters have written. Nothing is a waste, even those devastating things of our past..I know God has used them to refine me at times. Hang in there Sandra, we are all in this thing called Life together. I constantly need to grab onto the Lords hand to continue on..that being said, it's because I let go of His hand to begin with...
    Love the verses you choose today. They are manna.

  14. Thanks for your honest post, Sandra. I think the older we get, the more we can 'collect' in our thoughts to regret and beat ourselves up over. Not everything that happens is good, but He can redeem anything that's surrendered. That's the key, I believe, to having it reframed and reworked and redeemed - surrender - so that we can see it the way He sees it and we can move forward. Kath

  15. His love for us is a real blessing. Thank you for sharing.


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