

is post was written for Five Minute Friday
Word prompt--SPOIL
Five minutes to free write about it
My mind is still ruminating on thoughts from my last trip to the grocery store that I posted as an addendum to last week's prompt, Consumer. Thoughts of how spoiled we have become in my little corner of the world (me included), and how wasteful we are and quick to consider things spoiled and throw them out.

On a lighter note, as I was dumping my trash where all the spoiled things get dumped, I heard a bird loudly singing and other birds responding from other trees as though they were having a conversation back and forth. It took
me quite a while to spot it because it was so small, and when I did, was surprised to see that such a small bird could have such a big voice. 

It seemed strange for so many birds to be out and about, merrily chirping away, when the weather forecasters have issued a winter storm warning for tonight and into the weekend. 

Could it be they know something we don't? Are they singing, spoiler alert, spoiler alert. Spring is the only thing on its way?


  1. I hope the storm isn't too bad for you, and I hope that spring is on the way soon!

  2. Birdsong is one of the things I miss the most in winter. And songbirds are slowly dwindling everywhere. This little one may be a wren. Small but feisty and brave!

  3. I hope that's what the birds are saying! I'm ready for Spring.

  4. They saw you dumping the spoiled food and were singing, "Our waitress is here!"


  5. Sandra, the birds have been singing merrily at my house too! It's such a joy to listen to them! The cherry trees and early roses are beginning to get little green buds on them though it has been cold. Everyone is ready for Spring!

  6. your post made me smile. I can just picture you standing there searching out that tiny bird. Well done. :) FMF17

  7. Our plum and almond trees are blooming despite the rain and wind. Love the spot of Spring among the dregs of winter. At least we don't have snow to contend with.
    I do like hearing the little birds singing too.

  8. Hi Sandra~ I'm finally starting to hear the birds singing! It's still very cold here, in fact we had snow and rain all day! I would love to know what those little birds are chatting about! ;0) Spring is going to get here! Hugs, Barb


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