


is post was written for Five Minute Friday
Word prompt--RESPITE
Five minutes to free write about it

RESPITE: "A short period of rest or relief from something difficult or unpleasant."

RESPITE CARE: "Short-term, time-limited break for families and other unpaid caregivers."

At first this prompt did not bring anything to mind, but after I pondered on its definition for a bit it got me to thinking of a beautiful lady (inside and out) who is one of the most generous, caring, kind-hearted, funniest, warmest, loving, Jesus-like people I know. She has a big, big heart, and His love just flows through her.

She had been a caregiver to each of her parents, and after they both passed and she became the official owner of their home, one of her first thoughts was to use it to be a blessing. She named it after her mom, and created a special respite room for caregivers to use as a getaway for a night or a weekend at no charge.  They have an option to be alone B&B style or to hang out with a group of ladies and "do dinner, movies, games, (and/or) devotions" 

In the introduction to her Facebook page she quotes 1 John 3:18 --"Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth." And that she does with all of her heart. She's the genuine, real thing.


  1. That is the sweetest thing. I'm so glad you shared it.

  2. What an inspirational idea, Sandra! Thank you for sharing this with us.

  3. that's a lovely use of an extra space. FMF11

  4. What a wonderful thing she is doing!

  5. What is this beautiful. I've never heard of anyone doing something like this, and it makes me think.

  6. Those who offer respite care
    to caregivers, sorely stressed,
    are dwellers of the upper air,
    far above the angels blessed,
    for to those compelled to cope
    with another's pain,
    respite care offers the hope
    that the heart might dance again
    through the link graciously given
    to another time and place
    in which there was a way of living
    in which there was surfeit of space,
    that did not tire to the core,
    the days that just might come once more.

    1. That is beautiful, Andrew. Thank you.

    2. Thank you Andrew for the lovely poem. It says things perfectly.

  7. What a wonderful woman. I am encouraged how she is helping others.
    Visiting today from FMF #2

  8. Oh what a wonderful woman living out The Word. I think that is a fantastic way to give respite. I'll bet she has many people needing this.

  9. What a truly compassionate and creative act of generosity!

  10. Yes, sometimes you can feel like that, can't you? Ik recognize your struggles. I'm encouraged by the way you write about it and deal with it. Thank you. Blessings!


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