

This post was written for Five Minute Friday
Word prompt--SAY
Five minutes to free write about it 

What can I say?

It did snow, but it's hardly THE big snow that the forecasters said was coming and that triggered a frenzy of frantic shoppers trying to stock up in anticipation.  I heard say that they did a good job of emptying shelves at the local grocery stores.  That's just hearsay, though, as I am still in the middle of the No Spend January challenge and did not visit any of them myself.

Although I was a little disappointed not to wake up to the sight of the winter wonderland I was expecting, it was still a pretty view, and probably a relief to the folks who have to be out and about.

Here are some pictures I took from my balcony.


  1. It is pretty. Glad you did not have to go out in it!

  2. It does look pretty! Isn't it funny when the meteorologists call for a lot of snow and then God changes the plans? We have been getting a lot of snow at our place lately. I'm always praying that my husband and son make it home safely from work. But it does look pretty.

  3. Still a lovely view from your apartment, and glad you aren't snowbound. Stay warm and cozy. Good for you to be in the "No Spend" month.

  4. Very pretty! We have had about four inches here overnight and I think it has just stopped snowing. Stay warm my friend :)

  5. It does look lovely, but not too much. People always seem to want bread, milk, and peanut butter!

  6. It does look pretty, but that would be enough snow for me! We were predicted to have some snow this week too but only got a tiny dusting.

  7. I think weather people everywhere try to scare us. However, they were right this time in our area. It's been snowing and snowing!

  8. I love snow, but not necessarily driving in it, so I think you're wise to stay in if you can! Visiting from FMF#22

  9. What beautiful pictures, Sandra! Great job not spending any money in January! FMF #9

    1. Hope you see this comment Lisa. It's an FYI that I tried leaving a comment on your FMF Friday post today and was unable to do so because of the complicated captcha that kept showing me pictures and asking which object was different, and then not liking my response, and finally I gave up and did not leave the comment. You might want to simplify that? I've never had an issue commenting on your blog before.

  10. Glad to know that you're not snowbound. Wishing you warmth and coziness. Kudos for embracing the "No Spend" challenge this month.
    Those snow photos are a treat for those of us living in the tropics!

    Hugs and blessings, Sandra

  11. I love the way snow decorates the pines!

  12. Snow is nice upon the sage,
    but God can keep the ice
    that forms (to my unholy rage)
    on the porch for it ain't nice
    to start the day with slip and fall,
    blaspheming as I go
    down lists of bad words I recall,
    more than I ought to know.
    Then whammo! I hit very hard
    and stars form in my head,
    and the snow-beauty of the yard
    for a moment goes quite dead,
    but after I forget the pain,
    I long for snow to come again.

    1. Thanks for the chuckle, Andrew. I wouldn't want you to slip and hit your head though. That wouldn't be funny at all. It's always what I'm so afraid of doing.

  13. Lovely pictures of the snow. Perhaps it's just as well you are in your no spend January month. I am keeping inside while we have our snow, but today it was melted fast. They say it is going to be a high of 68 on Friday. Amazing!

    Thank you for commenting on my crow post. I so enjoyed your comment and answered it. However, I will post it again here.

    That’s great that you have been following these ravens. I loved the story you told about them. I have only seen ravens on my road trips. I would love to see your pictures and will be sure to take a look on your sidebar. Lovely to read the story of how you started writing books. Thanks for sharing that :)

    1. I have just been to Amazon and purchased your book. Looking forward to reading it and seeing your photos. It looks lovely!

    2. Thank you so much for doing that. I really appreciate it and hop you enjoy the book.

    3. It is wonderful and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

  14. What a snow, what a snow...

  15. A lifelong Colorado native, I love the snow scenes but boy at my age the cold is hard to take.


Thanks for stopping by. Hope you enjoyed your visit and found something to make your day a little bit brighter.