

Just as I was getting comfortable, my daughter texted me to say there was an exhibit of miniatures in the upstairs gallery. She attached a picture of these tiny wine bottles that actually had wine in them and real corks. That convinced me to muster up my strength and join her, and I'm so glad I did.

The exhibit turned out to be one of the highlights of our visit. I'm in awe at how the artist(s) who created these miniatures managed to craft such tiny details. These pictures do not do them justice at all.

I am so, so, so grateful to the Lord for enabling me to enjoy this perfect day and the company of my very special daughter. It was a real gift that I would never have thought possible at this stage of my life. 


  1. Wow - those are incredible! What a fun exhibit.

  2. Oh my gravy, these are spectacular. I was glad to be able to click on your photos and see an enlarged version of each display. That kitchen, with the brass kettle, the hanging bunches of herbs. The chandelier in another room. The schoolhouse. Adorable. Thank you so much for sharing these charming rooms.

  3. Thrilling. I am so glad for you.Perfect memory makers.
    My son in his teenage years was very much into miniatures. Built his own "dollhouse" and created all the furniture. He is so artistic. He then moved on from that to photography which is now his vocation.

  4. How wonderful! You took great photos of all these treasures.


Thanks for stopping by. Hope you enjoyed your visit and found something to make your day a little bit brighter.