

This post was written for Five Minute Friday
Word prompt--USUALLY
Five minutes to free-write about it
Usually, the wildflower seeds I plant in the spring that are supposed to attract butterflies and hummingbirds produce little to no flowers.

Usually, the only things that gets attracted to my balcony are hoards of stinkbugs.

Usually, the plants I put out for the summer so they can get pollinated start out doing great, but end up getting destroyed by said stink bugs. 

At the end of very summer, for the last 15 years or so, I've wondered why I bother fighting what seems to be a losing battle and promise myself I won't do it again, but every spring I'm right back at Dollar Tree buying seeds yet again and hoping that this year will be different.

This year, to my great surprise, it was different. The wildflower seeds I planted did actually bloom, and they bloomed profusely. It was exciting to see the variety of colors as they appeared in turn,  and I've spent many happy moments just gazing at them.

This morning, I was greeted by an even greater surprise. A hummingbird. The very first one I've ever seen on my balcony, and it seemed to be really enjoying the little blue flowers.

I rushed for my cell phone, but by the time I was able to get the camera focused, it had flown away. Hopefully it will be back and bring some friends.

That was not my only surprise. Even though it is late in the season, I found three new little green tomatoes on my tomato plant, bringing the total to six, and there are a bunch of flowers on it as well.

Not the usual morning I had expected at all.

Five minutes are up so there's no more time left to share my insights, but God has used my plants time and time again to show me things and if you are interested, a very good example can be found in an old 2010 post I wrote entitled It's Not Over 'Til It's Over (click link to read).


  1. I'd say that usually you are quite optimistic which has caused you to plant the wildflowers every Spring in spite of them not blooming - and this year it paid off! I love seeing hummingbirds and hope they come back for you.

  2. After all this time, you finally got beautiful results! Do you know what they all are? The tiny blue ones are really pretty.

  3. How exciting to see flowers and a hummer. Persistence paid off.

  4. How delightful - if at first you don't succeed... It was worth it! Dawn #15

  5. How exciting! We have an early spring here in Australia, I should throw some seeds out!

  6. Wonderfull! I can imagine you were astonishing glad for all this miracles.

  7. One bright day I saw a hummer,
    and I rejoiced, but should have feared
    because the lousy little bummer
    just went and attacked my beard,
    stabbing with his brutal beak,
    wings a-whirring like a fiend
    on a homicidal streak
    as one never to be redeemed.
    He backed away, came in again,
    harder now and broke the skin.
    What on earth had he to gain
    except a satisfying win
    that would place him 'mongst the greats
    in the eyes of ruby-throated mates?

  8. yay for the surprises you had this year! Isn't it fantastic? FMF16 (a bit late to the party this week).


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