

his post was written for Five Minute Friday
Word prompt--DEFEAT
Five minutes to free-write about it
I never used to be one to admit defeat. In fact, when I was young, I thrived on challenges and proving people wrong when they said something could not be done. I remember two experiences in particular. 

One was in high school when my math teacher tried to convince me to wait another year before taking the college entrance exams because if I took them now with the rest of my classmates, I would not pass.

As was my M.O. I set out to prove her wrong. I studied so hard for those exams that even though I soon forgot most of what I'd crammed into my brain, I was not only able to hold onto it long enough to pass, but to do so with high grades.

Another time was in graduate school. 

Back in the day we didn't have career counseling or aptitude testing and I wasn't sure what direction I wanted to take, so I settled on Speech Pathology just because it was a field I had never heard of before and it sounded interesting. The only catch was that the only school in my area that offered a degree in it was a French University and my knowledge of French was limited. I enrolled anyway.

As it turned out, we were an unusually small group of only four students. The other three were French Canadians who spoke little English. They helped me with the lectures, which were in French, and I helped them with the textbooks, which were mostly in English. It turned out to be a win-win for all four of us, and we soon bonded and became a close-knit group.

They told me about a summer camp for handicapped children and adults in the Catskills that employed speech therapists, but nobody from our school had ever been able to get a job there because their English was not considered good enough. I asked them if they would like to go, and when they said they would, I filled out all our application forms and we all got hired.

Now, however, in my very senior years, I seem to have lost my spunk. Even though the Word tells me that I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength (Philippians 4:13), and exhorts me to not grow weary or give up (2 Chronicles 15:7; Galatians 6:9), I am weary. Very weary.

Two major issues loom large right now, threatening to defeat me. Even though my faith is in the Lord, and I know how the story ends, there are still moments when I almost believe the lies.

But God! He put this song in my heart this morning, which has provided me with just the little push I need to keep on keeping on.



The above memories are part of my memoir, Sincerely Wrong: An Improbable Journey.


  1. You are a blessing! Thank you for your words here today - a reminder that God is with us, even when we feel defeated. My husband is dealing with something he's in charge of and is feeling defeated. I know he will appreciate your words. But God!

  2. Oh my! I am so sorry to hear this! Is it health problems? I will be praying for you! You can e-mail me if you feel like talking.

  3. I will be keeping you in my prayers my friend. Thank you for sharing this part of your life.

  4. Oh my goodness, I thought about a Matthew West song for my FMF post too! (But a different one). God bless you and give you the strength you need - or the courage to let go and let Him.
    Your FMF Neighbour #12

  5. But God! That says it all...
    I do believe we all feel defeated at one time or another. It sure can be a downward spiral ... But God ...
    I'm talking to myself too.
    Its fascinating how you got that job. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Well Sandra, the Holy Spirit brought us both the same verses to encourage us in our thoughts about defeat this week. I love that! It is hard to keep pushing on. As you said tho, “But God” two of my favorite words when they’re put together. Hang in there!

  7. Hi Sandra~ Sounds like you are one smart cookie! A determined smart cookie! I love those stories. I think it's the adversaries plan for us to give up, because it's so easy to do. I loved the message in the song. Keep praying, keep believing, never give up. Remember, you are a precious daughter of God. You are so loved! Hugs, Barb

  8. Hi Sandra, lovely song and nice testimony. It is so right that we must continue to pray, both for ourselves and others. God bless you as you journey on in our Lord.

  9. Thank you for your lovely post! I have injoyed reading it. You are a powerfull woman.

    Have you lost your spunk or have you become more sober and wiser because of your 'grey' hair. Or to put it another way, because of your age? I know, we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength (Philippians 4:13). But sometimes this strengt we have in mind is not the strength God has in mind. How do i mean?

    Jesus wanted not to drink his cup. He asked His Father to pass this by. But He had to, becaus of us. He had the strenght to overcome the soldiers. But the Lord thougt otherwise. Jesus needed His strengt to suffer on His way to the cross and to die at this cross.

    Perhaps it is for you likewise. You do not need the strength to concur your struggle, but to go through your struggle... I wish you all well. But forall, peace and mercy.
    Love and God bless.

  10. Is it really defeat or an opportunity to let go and let God? Because I know in Him, what seems like a defeat is a victory in the making... Because we already have the victory in all things, thanks be to God. I'm not using any email add so if u emailed me sorry that you were waiting for a response. Take care. God bless. I don't often post as I used to. Only when I feel like there's something I need to write for Him. Thank you sister for your encouragement. Stay strong in the Lord's mighty power🙏 - Rosel

  11. I have not yet been defeated;
    failure? Don't have time for it,
    but don't think that I am conceited.
    I am just too dumb to quit,
    'cause if I quit I have to try
    to find another place to go,
    and this is really, really why
    I will not elect to grow
    and learn from all of my mistakes;
    I'll beat my head againt the wall
    until it is the wall that breaks,
    and when the bricks begin to fall,
    I'll keep going, always pushin',
    and let the Lord heal my concussion.


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