Word prompt--HISTORY
Five minutes to free-write about it
Today I made history.
For the first time in probably over half a century, I actually followed through on a fitness challenge and a fitness resolution I added to it going into the month. Exercise (other than ballroom dancing, which I can no longer do), has never been my thing.
For the month of August I joined a fitness challenge to exercise a minimum of 12 times during the month (I actually did 13 times), and the resolution I added to it was to walk a minimum of 2500 steps every day.
I can't believe I actually managed to do it--especially the steps, since that was a daily commitment with no days off, and there were some days that only the grace of God carried me through.
Some other firsts this week--though I'm not sure they qualify as history. Fungi growing in my indoor dracaena flowerpots. I've never seen such a thing before or even thought it was possible.
The other surprise was the discovery that a plant I thought was a weed was not.
The other times I've planted wildflower seeds on my balcony, plants such as this leafy green one were the first to pop up and I thought they were weeds because they never flowered. They just seemed to take over the flower pots they were in and crowd everything else out.
This year, however, and at the end of summer no less, I was proved wrong.
When I least expected, it started to bud, and now has some pretty yellow flowers.
Good thing I didn't pull it out when I was tempted to.