

This post was written for Five Minute Friday
Word prompt--RESULTS
Five minutes to free write about it 

This week's prompt reminded me that we reap what we sow, and my current frustrations are the result of the many poor choices I made in my younger years. 

Sadly, I can't turn back the clock. 

Some of the poor choices, however, resulted in unexpected blessings, such as my salvation experience and my relocating to this beautiful area I live in now. I would rather focus on those things that give me cause to rejoice instead.

Many of my blog and FB friends dedicate the month of November to writing about their blessings and post one thing they are thankful for each day. I wish I had remembered to do the same, but November 1st came and went, and I forgot. Now we are already past the middle of the month and five minutes is not long enough to start listing them all, but I will give you three.

The picture at the top of the page is of a beautiful maple tree outside our library that caught my attention. Maple trees line many of the streets in my neck of the woods and are a spectacular sight to behold. Usually by now the winds will have blown the leaves off of them, but that did not happen this year. The temperature has been unseasonably warm as well, which is blessing number three.


  1. It is a gorgeous Red Maple! Yes, it is like summer here, just something wrong with that.

  2. Beautiful color! Here, the wind has blown all the leaves off.
    Your first paragraph reminds me of the verse - All things work together for good. God is good and works it all out!

  3. I'm back to answer a question you put on my blog. Alaina and Ruby's birthdays are close. Alaina is October 24 and Ruby is November 5.

  4. No, we can't turn back the clock, but we sure can focus on the blessings we have right now! Thanks for sharing the photo of that beautiful tree! When we stop to think about it, God showers us with blessings every day. Sometimes we just have to slow down and look for them. Blessings from one grandma to another! (Not a great-grandma yet, but some day).

  5. I regret poor decisions and mistakes I've made, but I try to do the same - focus instead on the blessings I have and the ways God has worked in my life in spite of my failures. Giving thanks in every circumstance!

  6. Hi Sandra~ I have also made many poor decisions that have impacted my life . . . I can't take them back, but I can learn from them. I too wish I had posted something I was thankful for each day, but like you, I just didn't remember to do it. Your photo is beautiful! The colors here in Idaho are gone now, but they were very beautiful. Have a very blessed Thanksgiving! Hugs, Barb

  7. Thank you for sharing this gorgeous Maple tree with us, Sandra! And I'm so glad you are getting to enjoy it for an extended time. May you have a grace-filled Thanksgiving week.

  8. What a beautiful sight! Simply glorious. And thank you for sharing your picture celebrating God’s handiwork. Happy Thanksgiving blessings 🍁Lisa

  9. Count your blessings one by one!

  10. What a glorious sight!
    Nature's beauty whispers of God's craftsmanship.


Thanks for stopping by. Hope you enjoyed your visit and found something to make your day a little bit brighter.