

 post was written for Five Minute Friday 
Word prompt--CLARIFY
Five minutes to free write about it 
I must have been dreaming about this prompt, because I woke up to a jumble of questions that could all use some clarifying. These are a few.

Out of the 1,600 plus folks who have downloaded a free copy of my book, Sincerely Wrong (and the many others who have actually purchased a copy on Amazon), has even one person come to Jesus as a result of reading it?

Why did a faithful blog friend suddenly stop visiting my blog though I never stopped visiting hers? 

Why, on top of the other issues I have been struggling with, has my blood pressure decided to run amok?

And on a lighter note, reading the many tags clarifying the special qualities of the new raincoat I just purchased, I wonder why the manufacturer felt it necessary to treat a slicker with UPF 50+ to prevent sunburn? 


  1. My blood pressure went totally wild recently as well. Had to make an emergency visit and my cardiologist changed my meds. About your friend who stopped visiting. I have had that happen. Have you checked that she is well? I would not hurt to make the first move and inquire about her.

  2. About your book - I bought it on Amazon and appreciated your testimony. I'm sure God worked in peoples lives through it.
    I have had people disappear from my blog too and wondered if I said something that offended them.
    Sorry about the BP! Hope they figure out a good treatment.

  3. Wouldn't a raincoat already block out the sun? I don't know the answer to any of these questions, but I know Who does. 🙂

  4. Interesting questions, indeed, Sandra!

  5. Thanks for sharing your questions, Sandra. I pray you get resolution on the urgent ones.

    1. Sorry, forgot to sign off. Kath

  6. That last part of your post made me smile..Sunburn protection on the raincoat.. It's like the warning on a hot cup of coffee warning that the contents will be hot.
    Hope your BP settles down again and I too have lost many of my previous readers on my blog.. Great questions

  7. Maybe the sun will come out whilst it is raining and you will enjoy a rainbow? There are so many questions! Have you asked your heavenly Father the other questions? He does provide us with the answers if we ask Him. Some things we have to accept will remain a mystery.

  8. People come and go in Blogland for one reason and another. I think Ginny’s advice is a good one. So sorry you have been having troubles with your blood pressure, and I hope you get your answers to these questions. Sending hugs and wishing you only kindness and love in each day.

  9. Hi Sandra~ About blogland... it's complicated. I used to get 30-40 comments. Now I feel good when I see that 6-7 friends have visited. One of my favorite friends, who I had blogged with for many years, all of a sudden quit visiting. It wasn't long before I found out that she had passed... a very sad day for me. I have been off and on for a while because me life got super busy. Hopefully winter will help with that ;0) Don't think for a minute that you are forgotten :0) Anytime we testify of the goodness of God, people's hearts are touched. You are an amazing woman with an amazing story! Have a great week! Hugs, Barb

  10. I read your book all over again during my flight to Greece. I am certain it has brought many back to Jesus.
    Hugs and blessings, Sandra


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