

 post was written for Five Minute Friday 
Word prompt--ANTICIPATE
Five minutes to free write about it 
For as long as I can remember, nothing has ever turned out the way I anticipated it would. Sometimes it's been a very good thing and I was blessed beyond my wildest expectations, like when I anticipated I would not live long enough to see my children grow up and made arrangements for a good friend to have custody of them should this be the case. But by the grace of God not only did I see them grow up, I've seen my grandchildren grow up as well, and have even been blessed with six great-grandchildren. 

Sometimes I've been pleasantly surprised by something I could never have anticipated, such as the offer of a job in a field I had no idea existed, or a large check from an unexpected source when there seemed no way I would be able to meet my financial needs. Even becoming a published author of children's picture books was an unexpected surprise, given I never anticipated becoming an author--let alone at the late stage of life it happened.

Other times what I've anticipated had a disappointing outcome, like a post I thought would take off, but that hardly had any readers at all, or having plans I'd looked forward to be canceled at the last minute due to circumstances beyond our control, or even the wildflower seeds I planted n the spring with great anticipation of the butterflies and hummingbirds they would attract, but that failed to thrive or attract anything at all.

Some outcomes have been tragic, such as when I anticipated getting married to someone I would grow old with, and was unexpectedly widowed at a very young age. 

These days I try hard not to anticipate, but rather to trust in God's plan, focus on one day at a time, and look for the hidden (or not) blessings in it.    


  1. Beautiful, Sandra. It's hard to deal with those major disappointments when we've anticipated a different outcome. Learning to take my disappointments to Him for His perspective and for His recalibration.
    You've given me much to think about. Kath

  2. Life is a constant surprise, isn't it? so many times, God's plans for us are not our plans!

  3. I did not forsee this thing,
    that I now can barely stand,
    and what the days to come may bring,
    but I know it's God's command
    that I accept it with good grace,
    without complaint nor moan,
    for if I do, I see His face
    and know that I am not alone.
    There's no 'but' to insert here,
    no weaseled qualification.
    By word and act it must be clear
    that I accept the situation
    and will witness with full heart,
    embracing this, my given part.

  4. God has a sense of humor about our expectations, doesn’t he?! I’m learning to trust and rest—God knows what’s best.

  5. It definitely seems like God's plans are not our plans most of the time. I too have to learn to lean on Him and to know that His ways are the very best for me.
    This is so beautifully written and so transparent too. Thank you

  6. Focusing on Him takes away the sting from disappointment and helps us process the mountaintops. Both are a part of our lives, but focus makes a huge difference in our perspective.

  7. Hi Sandra~ What a beautiful and heartfelt post. You are so right, God is at the helm, and as we seek to do His will, we will find joy... even in the most unexpected way. Hugs, Barb

  8. I've learned that surrendering everything to God gives me great comfort and solace in the belief that He is in control. It relieves me of the burden of trying to manage every aspect of my life on my own.

    Hugs and blessings, Sandra


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