

This post was written for Five Minute Friday 
Word prompt--ATTEMPT
Five minutes to free write about it 
Good advice I needed to be reminded of today as I looked for a picture to use on my post for this week's FMF challenge -- ATTEMPT.

There are things on my to do list that I would like to get around to, such as updating my address book, organizing the photos on my computer, and finishing a children's picture book I started eons ago about a miracle violet I once had that is now defunct.  It's like why even attempt to get started when there are too many other pressing things clamoring for my time. 

Well, today turned out to be a day full of much needed encouragement to help get me unstuck, like this other picture I came across that reminded me that I don't have to attempt to do all those things on the back burner all at once. Setting aside an hour or two a couple of times a week to devote to them, for instance, is certainly something doable to attempt. 

On a more serious note, there are a couple of priority things in my life that I am pouring all my energy into in an attempt to achieve, but keep getting frustrated by discouraging obstacles along the way. Sometimes it all seems so hopeless it's tempting to throw up my hands and say, what's the use.  

God had three things to say about that as well.  

The first was a scripture verse that showed up in my quiet time today: So let's not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up. -- Galatians 6:9, NLT; the second was a picture about perseverance that popped into mind; and the third was a song playing on the radio when I turned it on that felt like a personal exhortation to hold on just a little bit longer. A gentle prompt to turn my gaze away from my circumstances and focus it on Him who is seated on the throne and who has never failed me yet. 



  1. Love it, Sandra!! I'm sorry it's been a tough season of just hanging in, and persevering. I remember reading a book by a lady with ten children who said just ten minutes a day on an onerous task that seems insurmountable (like her mending) meant that by the end of the week she could notice a difference and it really helped her mental load. Kath, your FMF neighbour at #13 this week.

  2. oh... I feel you indeed. sometimes attempting to do things is so very much a challenge isn't it? FMF17

  3. I have not heard this song, and I like it. For sure, at least we can do SOMETHING, it all adds up!

  4. Thank you for this encouragement today, Sandra! I have several "little" projects that seem to keep "hanging around" and I don't seem to make progress on them, but your words and your pictures have given me the "fresh breath of air" I needed to persevere and not give up. In time, they will be done, and until then, I will keep doing a "little" each week until they are complete. :)

  5. Galatians 6:9 has been like a lifeline verse for me in the past few weeks. It seems that every time I chat with a friend, they quote it to me (usually in reference to some of the tough times we are going through with our toddler) and here I read it again on your blog! I am clinging to it. And I love how it says "at the right time," meaning God has the time totally planned, and we just have to trust Him in the waiting, no matter how long. Thank you for the encouraging post. Hope you're having a great weekend!

  6. Yes and amen to your post today. I think we are both in the same "boat" and I needed to read your words and of course God's words... Sometimes that's all we can do is Hold On and that holding on is in the hands of our Lord.

  7. Perservering can be such a challenge! I feel that too. Good message you shared about sticking with it and doing a little bit. God teaches us faithfulness in small things, doesn't he. Visiting from FMF#15

  8. Thank you so much for this encouragement. Indeed - 1% is better than 0%. Forward is progress, no matter how slow. Thank you. <3

  9. Amen, Sandra!
    1% is better than 0% because even a small amount of effort is still a step forward.


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