

This post was written for Five Minute Friday 
Word prompt--HAVE 
Five minutes to free write about it 

This week's prompt reminded me of John 16:33 which quotes Jesus as saying, "I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world (NLT)." 

Life has been feeling pretty rough lately, and I have been having a hard time navigating through this winter season of it. I do not have much to show for what started out with so much promise--good health, a good education, and many talents and opportunities. 

Most of my present challenges are consequences of poor choices I made in my youth, so there is no one but myself to blame. Regrets, however, are futile. What's done is done and cannot be undone. 

My remorse is mixed with gratitude for God's unmerited mercy, grace, favor, patience, and unconditional love, and the one good choice I did make, which was to accept the gift of salvation and invite Jesus into my heart. 

It is hard to believe that despite the mess I've made of my life, God has never given up on me. I would certainly have done so a very long time ago.

When I'm tempted to feel hopeless, I think of my many blessings and how much easier I have it than so many other people I know. I have an amazing daughter who goes out of her way to try and help me as much as she can, as well as a son and a slew of grands and great-grands I love with all my heart. And most of all, I have Jesus. He is the greatest gift of all.


  1. I am so sorry you are going thru such a hard time. But it seems you have everything that really matters. Including Jesus as your advocate.

  2. I'm sorry you are having a rough time lately, but thankful for the blessings in your life.
    I think when we look back many of us have regrets and wish we had done things differently. But God works all toward his good. I wonder how many lives you have touched with your book and in the telling of what you've been through and how God has been there for you.
    I truly appreciate your testimony!

  3. Jesus is the greatest gift of all, Sandra! I'm so glad He redeems our past and gives grace, strength, and wisdom for our present and our future. May the Lord continue to strengthen you!

  4. Thank you for sharing your heart in such a difficult season. I applaud how you are able to see God's grace and mercy through your trials. May He continue to strengthen you!

  5. This is such an inspirational post, one that will help many I believe. Please don't place blame on your shoulders for past mistakes. We have all made them and it's what we do now that is important. What's done is done and what's important now is going forward with good faith in our hearts, and having faith in going forward, helping others along the way. I hope this makes sense. Thank you Sandra, your words are certainly food for thought, and please forgive my ramble. God bless!

  6. So sorry to hear that you are going through a rough patch.
    Your strength and faith in God have always been inspirational.

    You will brave this storm, Sandra.

  7. You have the very Best GIFT of all...Jesus and of course your daughter and the rest of your family.
    I am sorry this has been a difficult time for you. Issues of our past can muddle the present but thankfully the Lord is in the Restoration business.
    Thanks for your transparent post today.


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