

Ser-en-dip-ity -- noun -- the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way -- "a fortunate stroke of serendipity" -- a word of English origin, first introduced in 1754 by Horace Walpole in his fairy tale, Princes of Serendipity, where the heroes were always making discoveries by accident and sagacity of things they were not in quest of. (Google English Dictionary)

Since childhood, I've always loved doing jigsaw puzzles. There's always been one in progress somewhere in my home. These days, it's on a table in my living room, and is one of the first things people notice and make a beeline for as they enter the apartment.  

My "fortunate stroke of serendipity" came in the form of an unexpected delivery of two stacks of jigsaw puzzles sent over by a friend. They arrived just as I was finishing up the last one in my stash. Thanks to her, I'll have plenty more to keep me busy for a very long time.


  1. What an awesome gift! We have been working jigsaws too. Earlier in the pandemic, they were very hard to find.

  2. That's a very special serendipity. Looks like you will be busy for a good while.
    I love things like that.

  3. What a great gift! I too am a puzzle lover, I love a challenge. I need to buy some new ones for winter...I always hesitate to buy them at the thrift store, I don't like looking for the one piece that is missing. Show us the puzzles when they are all put together!

  4. Oh wow. That's a nice gift and a great hobby. My Mom loved doing jigsaw puzzles.


Thanks for stopping by. Hope you enjoyed your visit and found something to make your day a little bit brighter.