

This post was written for Five Minute Friday.
Word prompt--MERCY
Five minutes to free write about it.

This morning I was up early enough to see the sun rise, to witness the dawning of a new day full of possibilities. I felt as though I was being presented with a clean page to write on, a fresh chance to get things right. It was a magical moment filled with hope. 

I thought of the Lord's mercies, which are new every morning, and of His unconditional love, and thanked Him for never giving up on me even when I would have long ago given up on myself.

The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases;
his mercies never come to an end; 
they are new every morning; 
great is your faithfulness.
(Lamentations 3:22-23 ESV)


  1. Each new day is a new start. I also thought of lamentations. Beautiful. Fmf #2

  2. Oh these photos! Beautiful mercies. Thank you!

  3. Thanks for your reminder that God never gives up on us...even we have moments of wanting to give up on ourselves.

  4. Beautifully written and lovely pictures of the sunrise. Grateful for renewed mercies every day

  5. Beautiful photos!

    The sunrise, clothed in splenour
    is made more special yet
    by the question, more that ever:
    will I be here to see it set?
    Contained within its beauties
    is a message, sweeetly tasted;
    neither leisure nor my duties
    should be time, neglected, wasted
    for the moment that's before me
    will not come around again,
    and its bright bejeweled majesty
    can't be caught here, to remain,
    flowing too quickly to the past
    unless my love can make it last.

  6. So beautiful. But also a reminder of His faithfulness. What a beautiful morning to wake up to despite circumstances knowing He is the Light that can never be extinguished. God bless and strengthen you always.

  7. Thank you for these uplifting words today.
    Sometimes I need to be reminded that it's a new day, full of Love, Joy and Peace.... and His Mercies...

  8. Beautiful! I love the early morning hours! #10

  9. Beautiful photo and words. Reminds me of the song we sang in church today - "In the morning, when I rise, give me Jesus".

  10. Sandra, these are beautiful words and photos. And a song from the verse from Lamentations is drifting through my mind. Thank you for the reminder of God's faithfulness to us. Have a great weekend!


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