The cabinet, however, is very difficult to maneuver in and out of because it's a corner cabinet that extends quite a ways past the door, and if a lid slips off, you almost have to be a contortion artist to reach into the half beyond. So when I groped around for the lid but couldn't see or feel anything, I decided to use a different lid instead.

Then, about a week ago, another lid went missing. It was the lid that had been doing double duty since the first one disappeared.
Now I was truly baffled. How could I have lost two lids in a cabinet?

I took everything out, and looked around with my flashlight, but no missing lids did I see.
Did I have gremlins? Was I losing my mind and doing things I couldn't remember, like sleep walking and putting things in strange places (my daughter's suggestion)? She said she was coming over to help me look, even though I told her I'd already taken everything out and there was nothing there to find.
While I waited for her, I prayed that the Lord would bring the hidden things to light and give my daughter a flash of Divine insight as to where to look for those lids.
At first, she was as stumped as I was. She could not see anything in the cabinet either. But then my prayer was answered, as she had a sudden hunch, and with flashlight in hand, crawled as far into the cabinet as she could, and discovered that the cabinet had no back. Instead, there was a gap between it and the side of the cabinet next to it under the sink, and there, at the bottom of the gap, were not only my missing pot lids, but several other items that must have belonged to the previous tenant.
Who would have thought?