

My grandson is graduating from high school this year and I've never seen any of his games. I also have a close, long-time friend in New York who I don't get to see unless she visits me, so my daughter suggested we celebrate this year's milestone birthday with a road trip. She would drive us to New Jersey to watch my grandson's football game, and then to Long Island to visit my friend.

Visiting team

Cheerleaders practicing

St. Thomas Aquinas (home team)

Prayer huddle before the game

My grandson, number 51

Action shot captured by my daughter

Mom and Dad deep in thought

Center of attraction during half-time


Back at their house, I checked out the pets.

Rockfish, the little goldfish that grew and grew, had grown even more, since my last visit, and a companion--Oscar--had been added to his tank.


The dogs seemed excited to see me, especially Charlie, who nipped at my legs and then gave me a bite that took me by surprise. He has never done that before. Good thing I was wearing long pants, or it could have been a lot worse.

Two days later

The next morning we went to see my younger grandson's flag football game.

After the game, Ryan wowed us with his Rubik's Cube skills...

...and then my son took us all out to Bahama Breeze Island Grille for lunch.

1 comment:

  1. What fun you have been having!! Charlie must have been mad at you for going away.


Thanks for stopping by. Hope you enjoyed your visit and found something to make your day a little bit brighter.