

This post was written for Five Minute Friday
Word prompt--WORSHIP
Five minutes to free-write about it

This week's prompt made me ponder how easy it is to worship when we're in a season of unexpected blessings, but not so much when the going gets rough and we find ourselves in a dark and scary place. And yet those are the times when we need worship the most.

Psalm 22:3 tells us that God inhabits the praises of His people. Praise ushers His presence into even the darkest of moments. It is a powerful weapon of spiritual warfare that confuses the enemy, and redirects our focus to God.

Many of my dark moments happen late at night when I am alone and there is no one to call at that hour. And then I remember that I am not really alone. God is with me, and I can call Him 24/7. His line is never busy, nor does He ever silence His cell phone. 

I put on the praise music and worship along, and it's amazing how quickly my spirits are lifted and I'm seeing things in a whole different light.

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