This post was written for Five Minute Friday
Word prompt--ORIGINAL
Five minutes to free-write about it
This week's prompt reminded me of a post I wrote many years ago when I was feeling discouraged about how few people visited my blog and was debating whether or not it was worth keeping alive. There was this little voice in my head that kept trying to convince me I had nothing special to offer; that whatever I had to say had already been said by someone else, and said better; and that none of my thoughts were really original.
Well, the answer lay in a devotion in one of my favorite devotionals, Streams In The Desert, which recounted the story of a king who goes into his garden one morning and finds everything withered and dying, so he starts asking the plants what the problem is.
The oak says it doesn't want to live any more because it's not tall and beautiful like the pine tree, the pine tree is upset because it can't bear grapes like the grapevine, the grapevine laments the fact that that it doesn't produce fruit as large as the peaches on the peach tree, the geranium is disheartened because it's not tall and fragrant like the lilac, and so on it goes throughout the garden until the king gets to the little violet and comments on how happy he is to see at least one flower bright and perky. To which the violet responds that she knows she's small, but she thought that if he had wanted an oak or a peach tree or a lilac in that spot he would have planted one there instead of her, so she was determined to be the best little violet she could be.
The devotion ends with a little poem that is a great reminder not to compare ourselves with others. Each one of us is a Divine original created for a special purpose that no one else can fulfill.
Others may do a greater work,
But you have your part to do;
And no one in all God's family
Can do it as well as you.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made...
Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for
me were written in your book before one of them came to
be. (Psalm139:14a, 16, NIV)
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