

 And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year,
"Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown."
And he replied: 
"Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the hand of God.
That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way."
(From God Knows by Minnie Louise Haskins)
Although there was much to be grateful for, 2024 (from my perspective) did not end on a very good note. It was actually quite bewildering.
As I tried to make sense of it all, Lisa Anne Tindal's blog post, The Driverspoke to my heart. Her words were so timely. Over and over they played in my mind as I stood at the gate leading to 2025, preparing to board a train headed for an unknown destination, and pondering what might lay ahead: "God is driving the train. Only He knows where it will go. We are just riding."

Unlike other years, there were no expectations, no resolutions, no plans to try and turn things around and happen the way I wanted them to. Just an openness to whatever God has in store. Thy will, not mine be done. 

I may not know where this ride will take me or what this journey into the new year will bring, but I choose to sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride. I choose to put all my hope and trust in Him to guide and uphold me along the way, knowing that He is in control and sees the whole picture, which I do not.


  1. You are very wise. Hopefully this year will be better for you.

  2. Our family is reading The Prayer of Jabez this year and we were just discussing the "Bless me indeed" portion of the prayer. Jabez doesn't ask God for specifics or try to get God to bless him with specific things. Instead, he just asks for God's blessings, leaving it up to God and trusting that the blessings he receives, will be the ones God has for him. It's a very freeing concept, when we can let go of control and just trust that God has our best at heart.

  3. "I Choose" Yes that's the best way...May this year be filled with wonder and blessings . God says He is doing a new thing.

  4. We know not what tomorrow brings Sandra, and there is a lovely song that often comes into my mind. It is 'One day at a time sweet Jesus, that's all I'm asking of you'. I find that when I take every thought captive and bring it into obedience to the Word of God spoken to me through the scriptures it helps me to overcome what the spiritual enemy tries to inflict upon me. God bless you with all He has for us in Jesus .

  5. I think I plan, but the future is not in my plans. Prayers for the year ahead.

  6. Minnie Louise Haskins' words are so comforting, and your perspective on trusting God with the unknown is inspiring.
    Letting go and letting Him lead feels so freeing.

    BTW, about the photos you asked —they were captured on all three of our phones: mostly mine, my husband’s, and my son’s.

    Wishing you a peaceful and hopeful 2025!

  7. Just resting in him is enough. Have a blessed year!

  8. Sending you a hug and prayers. I am sorry about your fall, and pray you heal 100%!!
    And I am praying for your 2025!

  9. Thank you for this lovely post Sandra. Love and prayers and peace to you 2025.

  10. It is interesting to read how your faith helps you through the gate of the new year. May it keep you happy and healthy and take you to wonderful places.


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