

This post was written for Five Minute Friday
Word prompt--SATISFIED
Five minutes to free-write about it
I was looking forward to participating in this first FMF challenge of the New Year, but the word prompt SATISFIED isn't quite the right word to describe the feelings I wanted to write about. It would take a much stronger word than that.

It started with a bad fall on Christmas Day that left me shocked, bewildered, and frustrated. 

My granddaughter had given me a ride so I wouldn't have to drive home in the dark, and as I got out of her car and went to step up on the curb, I misstepped and landed on my face on the concrete sidewalk instead. 

Why God allowed this to happen, I do not know. What I do know, is that through it all He has revealed Himself to me in tangible, personal ways that I may never have experienced otherwise. 

It was a horrible experience, yes, but He made sure I was not alone when it happened, and also protected me from what could have been much worse. All I sustained were a black eye, fat lip, two chipped teeth, multiple abrasions, and a very bruised and swollen right hand. Nothing was broken, my glasses did not shatter on my face, and no teeth had been knocked out of my mouth, which is what I at first thought had happened when my face hit the ground and I saw all the blood. 

Because of my right hand being out of commission, I was not able to do the things I normally take for granted, like drive, or open a jar, or work, which has been a humbling experience. Day by day, however, He has provided for all of my needs. People have been incredibly kind and not only willing to help me out, but even really wanting to do so. Some have brought meals, others have provided rides, one kind soul even shoveled my car out after it snowed and drove it around for a bit to warm the engine up. 

I was thinking about that today as I read these words in my Daily Wisdom for Women devotional: God knows just what we need. And if we give control over to Him, He'll set everything right in His perfect timing.

When I saw this week's prompt and wondered how I could tie it in to these thoughts, the image that came to mind was of God smiling down at me and saying, "Are you satisfied with how I am providing for your needs? Can you trust me now?


  1. He took care of you.

  2. God is good, all the time!

  3. This is a wonderful testimony of how we can see God working, even in hard times. I'm sorry you went through this, thankful you are doing ok!

  4. Sounds like you live in a decent community with some nice charitable people, It's good to hear and some faith in humanity restored. Just think, if you lived in Los Angeles looters probably would have busted in and stole your stuff...just saying.

  5. I am just so glad that you did not break anything and did not have to go to the hospital. I think when you fell, God WAS looking after you!

  6. Poignant and profound. Love that prompt from the Lord.
    I sure hope you are recovering and healing from that awful fall.

  7. Hi Sandra, yes, all things are meant to be in our lives, and sometimes what we think are bad are meant to connect us with other issues. God bless you, and make you well.

  8. Those words are a sweet ending to your post my friend. I am so very sorry you fell, it must have been very scary but your faith in Him was very moving. Thank you for sharing and have a wonderful weekend.


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