

This post was written for Five Minute Friday
Word prompt--FAVOR
Five minutes to free-write about it
At first the prompt did not inspire me, and I was going to skip this week, but after ruminating on it for several days, these thoughts came to me. Maybe it's a stretch, but here goes. 

My fall on December 25th left me feeling really paranoid about falling again and wondering what good my daily prayers for safety and protection before leaving my house really do. 

The shock of the experience had me questioning why a loving God would allow an otherwise beautiful day come to such an end, and whether there really are angels watching over me to protect me in all my ways (Psalm 91:11-12). 

Again, I don't know why the Lord allowed this to happen, and I can't honestly say that I'm grateful that He did, but in retrospect, there were many glimpses of His favor and the favor of others I might not have experienced otherwise.

He saw to it that I was not alone when I fell, and protected me from breaking any bones or having my glasses shatter on my face. Aside from a black eye, two chipped teeth, a badly bruised and swollen right hand I wasn't able to use for a while, and a lot of blood, there were no major consequences.

My very level-headed granddaughter who was with me got me cleaned up, made an ice pack for my swollen lip, and helped determine there was no need to go to the Emergency Room. She even offered to spend the night with me, and when I declined her offer, came back the next day to take me to Target to replace my glasses and to the ER nearby to get an X-ray of my hand.

At first Target had no openings to see the ophthalmologist, but within minutes of my call and request to be put on the wait list they had a cancellation, and when we got there we were taken care of right away. 

At the ER, we were much surprised not to have to spend time waiting in a crowded waiting room. Minutes after signing in at triage a nurse came to get us, and ushered us into an actual room with a door and a restroom (not the usual cubicle with a curtain drawn around it). The PA who attended me was kind, thorough, and able to put me at ease, and ordered a CT scan of my face (in addition to the hand X-ray). to make sure there was no fracture of my right orbit. There were none in either one.

All this was followed by an unexpeted outpouring of love and kindness through people who brought me meals, gave me rides, and offered to help me in any way they could--even take out my trash and pick up my mail. 

Maybe it wasn't just about me. Maybe it was an important two-way lesson in give and take. Maybe the Lord used me as His instrument to give others an opportunity to be blessed by helping me out (Matthew 25:40), while at the same time teaching me to be humble and gratefully accept and appreciate their help rather than always try to be self-reliant and in control. 

Even though only God sees the whole picture and there is much I don't understand, it has helped increase my faith that He really is in control, and I can trust Him to be with me and take care of me no matter what lies ahead.


  1. Yes, it is so clear how God was with you through all of this. I have always thought how amazing it was that you did not break something, or even worse. I think it went as well as it possibly could after a fall like this.

  2. Yes God is good and in control whether we feel it or not. I really like how you found the positive in each thing and especially the part about things being two-ways. Blessed to be a blessing. Learning to be humble and accepting of help is always a difficult thing for me. Learning to just say thank you !!
    Great 5 minute post today.

  3. I love that you shared this. I've heard it said that there is always something to be thankful for, and this post really shows that. It also shows your ability to see that God is in control and taking care of you, in good times and hard times.

  4. I love how you found grace in the unexpected, and how receiving help gave others a chance to be a blessing too. It’s so true that we may not always understand, but we can trust that God’s got us. Thanks for sharing your story! 🙏

    Happy Monday, Sandra!

  5. I fall quite a lot these days
    (even out of bed!),
    and I have learned to love and praise
    the helmet on my head,
    for I have been concussed too much,
    and do not need one more;
    concussion protocol is such
    an everlasting bore.
    My headgear is quite stylish, too,
    for it's my Harley hat
    with pink flames on field of blue
    for I know where it's at,
    and justified I can now be
    the hippie that's inside of me.

  6. ah, I'm so glad that you were able to see God at work, even when it didn't really make sense to you. FMF14

  7. I get where you are coming. Those that follow Andrew Budek and me. Well 2023 was my year to learn the human hedge of protection God has placed.
    And now a year in retrospect 2024 the acknowledgement of tears that were finally defined as Joy and not overwhelment.

    Andrew's wife Barbara

  8. When something happens that I don't understand, I try to think of what God might want me to learn from the experience. I am glad to hear that you were not seriously hurt when you fell. I have fallen before, so I know that fear of going down again. It is real. I hope that you are healing up and that February is a good month for you! God bless.

  9. I often wonder why my prayers don't always get answered as I want them to Sandra. I have been having a problem with my knees for some time now. However, I know there must be a reason for everything, and I know that our God heals, as I have had a miraculous healing and others in my life. We don't always go in the direction we want at the time we want, but our God is a faithful God and I must wait upon Him for what His plans for me are, and I know that they are not to harm me. God bless you Sandra.

  10. Hugs. So much kindness surrounds you.

    Your comment on my post made me smile. I am 55. Does that count as youngish? 😂

  11. This post resonates with me greatly. A few months ago my husband had a reaction to some medication and though it was the scariest thing I've experienced so far, I can look back and see that the Lord put all the right people in place to help me. I would never want to go through that again, but when I think back on it, I am so grateful for being able to see his hand in all the circumstances. I hope you're feeling so much better by now :)


Thanks for stopping by. Hope you enjoyed your visit and found something to make your day a little bit brighter.