

It was a perfect day for a wedding. The sky was blue, the temperature mild, as we gathered at the historic chapel of St. Peter (atop a very steep hill in Harpers Ferry) to attend the nuptials of my West Virginia grandson. 

Many folks had come from out of town, and when we got to the chapel they were milling around, catching up with one another, and taking family pictures before it was time for the service. 

For me, it was a special blessing to be able to spend time with loved ones I don't get to see very often because of the distance that separates us.

My grandaughter and her family (above) traveled from Florida and were joined by her oldest son who flew in from California. 

My son and his family (on the left) drove down from New Jersey and were joined by their eldest son who flew in from Nebraska. 

There was a moment of cuteness, when my four-year-old great-grandson was spotted handing out rings to the ladies. 

He was the ring bearer in the bridal procession and apparently had a hard time at the rehearsal grasping what a ring bearer is. He thought he was supposed to hand out rings to everyone, and was very happy when his mom bought him a bunch from the dollar store so he could do just that.

Soon it was time for everyone to come inside, and my daughter and I took a seat at the back while waiting to get escorted to our pew.

After all the bridesmaids and groomsmen had made their entrance and taken their places, there was another moment of cuteness as my two great-granddaughters (the flower girls) and the ring-bearing great-grandson and his younger brother came walking down the aisle.

And then, the moment we were all waiting for. The doors to the chapel opened wide revealing the beautiful bride and her proud dad who escorted her down the aisle, lifted her veil off her face, and presented her to her groom. 

After the blessing, the newlyweds emerged as Mr. and Mrs., and it was time for more pictures before heading over to the reception.

Here's a shot of me with all six great-grands. Can you see the one hiding behind my shoulder? 

The reception was wonderful, and would take a whole other post, which I'm not sure I'll get to, so in case I don't, here's one photo taken right before I left. 

My daughter dragged me out onto the dance floor to dance a few steps with her, my daughter-in-law, and a couple of the grandkids. 

That I was able to do that, especially at the end of a very long day, was a huge miracle that two of my praying friends can attest to.

Up until almost the last minute, I wasn't sure I would be able to make it to the occasion, even though my daughter was going to pick me up and had made arrangements for someone to drive me home. 

The three of us prayed hard that the Lord would make a way where there seemed to be no way, and He answered our prayers. Not only did He enable me to attend, but He went above and beyond, giving me strength to enjoy the day without too much pain. 

I still can't believe how I was able, by His grace, to get in and out of shuttles, walk what felt like a marathon between garage and reception building, up and down several flights of stairs, and back and forth across the floor of the reception hall, without my rollator, and without my back brace (except for the long walk over from the garage). It was a miracle indeed for which I am grateful beyond words.

It was a beautiful and memorable occasion, and this hug from my grandson thanking me for being there was like extra icing on the cake.


  1. Sandra! I'm so thankful for answered prayer for you and the joy of attending this wedding! It looks like it was beautiful and so enjoyable. Cute little kids and precious time with family!

  2. Weddings are always fun and special, although it looks like the two young men in the first photo forgot to get haircuts for the occasion. Looks like poor parenting and a case of "the seventies called and want their afros back"


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