

 post was written for Five Minute Friday 
Word prompt--RELY
Five minutes to free write about it 
The other day I was reading a devotional that spoke of how we tend to make plans, projections, and proposals, but have no idea what a day may bring. Given the unpredictability of life, it's best to hold our plans lightly and remember that we are not in control. It was a very timely reminder not to rely on my own understanding of things.

Timely because slowly, slowly, God has been revealing idols in my life I didn't even realize were idols, and how I have been relying on them instead of on Him and trying to micromanage outcomes that only He has control over. One by one, He has been stripping them away and redirecting my focus to where it needs to be. 

He has been doing many things in this season of my life, but not what I expected, and I have had to give up my concept of what I think is best and trust in His ways. I need to remember that He sees the whole picture, the end from the beginning, whereas my view is very limited. 


  1. I can't imagine you having any idols. that is, something you favor more than God.

  2. Oh my goodness, yes! Your article is full of truth and encouragement! Thank you for writing and sharing your wisdom and that you are still learning as am I.

  3. I think we all have things other than God that we trust in, and we don't even realize. How gracious of God to show us the truth and help us learn to trust only in him! Visiting from FMF#15

  4. Giving up our vision and plans isn’t easy but you’re so right that we need to trust the One who sees the whole picture! Thanks for the encouragement!

  5. A very interesting read, thank you so much!

  6. He is so kind to scoop out the dross in our lives, Sandra! Purity is our heart's desire though the purifying process can get a little heated. :)

  7. Sometimes it is so hard to let go of the things we think are just "perfect" for us in our lives. Just realizing there are idols is a step in the right direction. Me, myself and I can be the biggest idol of all.
    God's work can be painful but oh so worth it in the long run.

  8. How true! I , too, am beginning to realize that sometimes the “perfect” life is not always the life that is best for us.

    Hugs and blessings, Sandra

  9. So true. I am always looking upward waiting for Jesus. This world is fleeting. Sometime though we get caught up in it. I enjoy your writings here.

  10. Sandra, this is exactly what God has been doing for me too - showing me those idols and coping mechanisms. He's really cleaning up His people at the moment. Thanks for sharing. Kath

  11. It is a lovely place Sandra :) As for you going there, I need to tell you that there is a very long hill to walk down, and to climb up which is challenging. There are benches everywhere to rest and I make use of every one of them, but just wanted to make you aware of that. You can call the garden and I am sure they will give you good information.

    Phone: (703) 255-3631

    Fees: $3 for ages 6-17 & ages 55+, $6 for ages 18-54, and free for ages 5 & under.

  12. So very true! I love clothes and shoes. My closet was bulging so I have donated dozens of things to our youngest daughters church when they visited in June. I also gave her more clothes for her in-laws, sister-in-laws and her MIL and niece too. We have so much of everything and I have more to give to Hannah and Jake when they come next weekend for their baby shower. I know God does not want us to dwell on things, try to solve our own heartache and all the rest. I feel so guilty for all I have. But we donated more to the thrift store near our home as well. Kt is such a good feeling to know you do not need all the thing of the world.I went through a difficult time when I lost my job in 2014. I felt I owned myself things. How wrong I was. I am grateful God nudges me along. Thank you for all these words. You made me so happy to write this. Thank you.


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