

 This post was written for Five Minute Friday
Word prompts--REACH and ASSUME
Five minutes to free write about it

[Last week when the prompt was ASSUME, I wasn't able to participate, but it was such a good and timely (for me) one that I'm combining it with this week's REACH.]

Making assumptions is something I do a lot, and most of the time my assumptions are wrong. Many times it has caused unnecessary hurt, and sometimes even a missed opportunity because I accepted my assumption as fact instead of reaching out to the One for whom nothing is impossible and who can make all things come to pass.

There is something about the tree (in the picture above) with its branches lifted high that reminds me to reach up instead of assume.  Right now it looks dead, but then I have seen deader-looking plants than that come alive. Maybe in a couple of weeks I'll visit it again and see buds on it? That wouldn't surprise me any more than this flower I discovered on my philodendron plant did. 
In all the many, many years I've had philodendron plants I've never ever seen a flower on any of them before. I'd always assumed they were not flowering plants.  But I digress...

Once a week I pray with a friend over Zoom. At our last meeting a couple of days ago we reached out to God with some tough prayer requests over longstanding situations we've been praying over for so long it required a real stretch of faith to not give up on believing they could come true. But that could turn out to be one more faulty assumption, could it not? 

After reminding each other of some of the amazing answers to prayer we've seen in the past, and that nothing is impossible with God, we actually ended the call in a state of great anticipation, excited to see what God is about to do. 

A quote in my Experiencing God devotional this morning spoke to my heart: "Don't discount the power of God as described in Scripture simply because you have not experienced it." To which I would add the word "YET." It reminded me of the times I have experienced it, so why should I assume otherwise now.


  1. Thanks for the encouragement today. I have some things I've been praying over for a long time and sometimes I feel like giving up. But, I need to keep at it!

  2. Giving up is not contained
    anywhere within my DNA.
    Some think I am quite harebrained,
    but I choose to live my way,
    even though each every night
    is getting really really rough.
    Hope and faith keep honour bright,
    and I find that it's enough
    to let me rise before the dawn,
    looking to the day ahead,
    and this is how I will go on
    until a someday finds me dead,
    with middle finger raised in answer
    to assumption of a win by cancer.

  3. I like that YET you added!!!

  4. Assume and reach - what an intriguing combination - and yet, so well paired! I've been praying to about unanswered prayers - I assumed they would move according to the comfort of my plot line in my story - and I reached the wrong conclusion. I have had to let go of controlling the time-line of the story - and what these answered prayers will look like - though I know they will look like blessing! Thanks for this five minutes - and your word combination!

  5. I really loved this post! I am always assuming something or other, and I'm almost always sad that I did. My prayer today will be that I can see the best in people and in situations, knowing that God is at the helm, and in control of all things. Thanks for your insightful thoughts today! Hugs, Barb

  6. Yes and amen to reaching. My devotion this morning was along the same line as yours. You have to get out of the boat and take that first step IN the FAITH that you have and then take the next step and continue to where you can't see the "answers" you think are there..then you only have the Lord to take you by the hand and continue walking into the unknown. YET- I like that word.. thats FAITH.

  7. Wonderful encouragement. Thank you for sharing. Have a blessed week.

  8. Reaching for God's view on the matter instead of making assumptions based on my own limited understanding... why is that such a difficult lesson to learn? Thank you for the encouragement. Never give up!!! #26


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