


This post was written for Five Minute Friday
Word prompt--CHOOSE
Five minutes to free write about it

At the end of a heavy week where all my choices seem like non-choices, I choose to lighten up by combining our word prompt with a Friday Funny. This sign at my dentist's office always makes me smile.

I may not be able to choose my circumstances, but I can choose how I respond to them. It's amazing what a difference a change of perspective can make.

I can choose to look for hidden blessings, and for things that make me smile. 

I can choose to focus on the things I am grateful for.

I can choose to look on the bright side of things.

I can choose to lift up my eyes to Whom my help comes from (Psalm 121:1).

I can trust that God is in control and that He is working out a good plan, even if I can't quite see it yet.

I can choose to believe in miracles.


  1. You are SO right! Happy weekend!

  2. So true! All excellent choices! Visiting from FMF#9

  3. Sitting in the dentist's chair,
    with no place that I can hide,
    I try to keep myself aware
    that there is a brighter side.
    For him the work will be banal,
    done again and yet again,
    but for me a root canal
    is a whole new world of pain,
    and I find comfort in the thought
    that if things start going south,
    there is one thing that I brought,
    with his fingers in my mouth,
    the real strength of a great temptation
    to perform an amputation.

    1. That word picture at the end made me laugh out loud.

  4. Oh yes...I do choose. If you read my blog post today you will see that I need to choose to do all the things in your post.
    Thank You

  5. Excellent things to choose indeed! rather like my decision to read this post! :) FMF22

  6. Amen! We can choose to look at the positive things in our lives and not get bogged down by all of the negative things! FMF #12

  7. Aww big hug, Sandra! It is hard when our choices seem like non-choices. I'm so thankful the Lord gives us grace upon grace upon grace to lean on Him, regardless of the circumstances. May the Lord give you wisdom and may He surround you with His loving Presence and peace.

  8. I'm sorry you've had a rough week, Sandra. I'm glad you were able to get a shift in perspective. When circumstances are tough, a shift in perspective is enough to keep us going, eh? Thanks for sharing. Kath

  9. Thank you Great Granny Grandma for that refreshing post. I love the dentist sign - it made me laugh and choose to read your post. Bless you. Excellent choices you made, I think. Dawn #27


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