This post was written for Five Minute Friday
Word prompt--MANY
Five minutes to free write about it
This week's prompt sent my thoughts scattering in many directions.
I thought of the many tragic events taking place in our nation and around the world, as well as the increasing evil that threatens to engulf us. I thought too about the many personal challenges and disappointments that have been wearing me down of late.
And then I thought of the many tiny sparks of light shining through the darkness, the reminders that God is in control and at work behind the scenes. The amazing rescue of a newborn infant, still attached to her mother by her umbilical cord, from beneath the rubble of the devastating earthquake in Syria; the fires of revival ignited at Asbury University in Kentucky; to name a few.
On a personal level, even amidst the daily battles, there have been many blessings big and small, as well as many more I take for granted.
Jigsaw puzzles help me relax and unwind. As I work on putting together the many pieces, I like to think of God as working on a giant puzzle too.
Unlike me, however, He sees the whole picture from beginning to end. One day, when His plan has been completed, we will see that the many pieces that make no sense now will interlock perfectly, the way He intended.
Somewhere I saw this little prayer that I jotted down, but can't remember the source. I wish I did so I could give them credit. Hopefully they won't mind me sharing it anyway.
Father, even in times of darkness, Your kingdom is
still advancing. Help us fix our eyes on what You
are doing, and not just on the surrounding evil.