

The flowers are springing up, the season of 
singing birds has come, and the cooing of 
turtledoves fills the air.
(Song of Solomon 2:12 NLT)

Walking has been hard for me to do lately, so these are mostly pictures of flowers in my neighborhood that caught my eye as I was out and about (in my car).

First came the pansies and some of the biggest, most beautiful tulips I have ever seen.

Then the azalea bushes and dogwood in front of the library came full bloom, as did the lavender bordering the parking lot of my complex, and the dandelion and clover flowers that are still dotting the courtyard grass.

The bright pinks of the hdrangeas growing outside my physical therapist's office bulding added much cheer to my day, as did the colorful rhododendron bush and roses I captured on my way home.

To my regret I did not stop the car and pull over the day I spotted a patch of spectacular irises. My back hurt, I was tired, and I just wanted to get home and lie down. "I'll come back later," I promised myself, but alas, "later" turned into a week, and by then they were all dead. However, there were still many roses blooming (including some hybrid ones) and a few peonies and clematis as well.


  1. they are all gorgeous! you must live in a wonderful neighborhood. My favorite is the deep red tulip, and the large yellow flower. Both Phil & I have arthritis in our backs.

  2. Spring time is my favorite! The flowers are such a joy after winter and they are so pretty. You have lots of beauty around you.

  3. Love all these gorgeous flowers. Great photos. To answer your question about our fruit trees..we have not so many now...old age gets to trees just like it does us. We have 1 Santa Rosa plum tree and another plum that the fruit looks sort of green peel but the inside is blood red and so yummy. They will be ready in a week or two. We have a pear that was pretty abundant last season but not so good this year. I think the birds got to it before us. We have a "papple" tree which is a cross between a pear and an apple..in the Asian pear family, but not quite the same. We also have a pomogranite which is in its off year too. I wish we knew more about how to take care of all of these but its fun all the same. Thanks for asking.
    You made me laugh at your comment about the mail deliverer..

  4. Wow! Such a beautiful neighbourhood you live in , Sandra.
    Incredible photography!

  5. Hi Saundra~ Your photos are just gorgeous! Isn't it wonderful that we can see beauty all around us. I especially love that you included the dandelion...my favorite spring flower. This year my grandson and I made a few batches of, dandelion jelly, it was delicious! Hope you are feeling better. Gentle Hugs, Barb


Thanks for stopping by. Hope you enjoyed your visit and found something to make your day a little bit brighter.