Woke up to a beautiful blue sky day, a little brisk, but not as cold as it has been. A perfect day for a walk.
I'd been wanting to take a walk around town to see the painted ornaments, but have been struggling with shortness of breath and barely able to manage a block or two. This morning was different though. I made it down the stairs feeling fine.
At church, the elders anointed me with oil and prayed over me (according to James 5:14), and I decided to try again.

First stop was the library to return a book, and then to City Hall to see our town Christmas tree.
In the library parking lot, two trees caught my attention. One had two nests on it--a little one and a much larger one.
The lower half of the other tree's trunk intrigued me. It looked like a bust sculpture without the head.

After visiting the Christmas tree, I found a spot closer to the center of town to park in, and began my stroll along Main Street, and down and around 21st Street.
Two hours later, by God's amazing grace, I had covered almost three miles (6,498 steps) and taken over 250 pictures without experiencing any shortness of breath.
Following are just a few of my favorite sightings on this walk. The rest of the hand painted holiday ornaments will get a post of their own.
I really liked the words on the music store's sign, and a couple of blocks past that one, got a chuckle out of the upside down sign wishing passers by a great day.

I stopped for a few moments to watch some squirrels scampering around, and took several shots of this one gorging on acorns.

Then, before continuing on my way, I got to meet these two beauties--Jack and Hugo.

This piece of litter caught my attention because there are no Bloomingdale stores in this neck of the woods. I wondered how it got here. The closest one is about 30 minutes away, I think.

When I got back to my car, I looked up and saw a cross in the sky. What a great reminder that God is always watching over me. It made me a little teary, and a lot grateful for the miracle of this day.

One final reminder when I got home came in the form of a little heart shaped stone that caught my eye as I stepped out of the car. No matter how things may look in the natural, no matter what my intellect may try to convince me of, God is a good God and He loves me.
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Thanks for stopping by. Hope you enjoyed your visit and found something to make your day a little bit brighter.