- A bunch of pictures. Some of me at my current weight, one of my sadly neglected hands, and several I took of the foods that presently call my name the loudest--a big plate of roasted potatoes; a large chunk of buttered artisan sourdough bread with cheese; and a bowl of potato soup.
- A record of my current
- Printouts of a couple of posts that speak to where I am right now in my walk.
- A couple of WW tracking sheets with everything I ate for the last two weeks recorded on them (including what I ate that pushed me way over my allotted points for the week).
- A record of where I'm at where exercising is concerned.
- A list of goals of I hope to have reached by the time we open our time capsules a year from now.
- A Dear God letter.
But I also want to share about a revelation I had this week. It all started when I read Debbie's FF post in which she mentioned a free online study called The Lord's Table. I was curious to see what it was about, and so I checked it out, was interested in pursuing it further, and signed up so I could try it out.
It is a 60-day study you do with a mentor, and I'm not quite sure how to describe it. It's not a diet, or a food plan, or even about food as we think of it, but I can see how an overweight person would lose weight by the end of the study. The focus is on spiritual food, and feasting at the Lord's table.
Now I've known all along about the Word being spiritual food that noursihes our soul, but I think that was head knowledge, as opposed to heart knowledge or I would have made my time in the Word much more of a priority. I mean, it is a priority, and I do intend to spend more time in it every day, but things happen, and before I know it the day is over and much of that allotted time has been eaten up by other stuff. No matter how I plan, my days seem to escape me.
Well at some point this week a veil must have been lifted because it suddenly dawned on me that almighty God, the creator of the universe, was inviting me to come feast at His table. What an awesome privilege. And here I am letting other things stand in the way. What if this were the President of the United States inviting me for dinner, or the Queen of England, or some other prominent person? Is this how I would respond to their invitation? There's what I would call some good food for thought.
Great job on your time capsule and great revelation! Oh it's so true....if you have been invited to dinner by someone "important" you would work around everything else to fit it in your schedule.
Thanks for participating. I'd say everyone's odds of winning right now are pretty good! :)
Great stuff to put in your time capsule! I'm hoping to get to mine soon. (Before time runs out!) Since we just got back from vacation....
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I'm going to check out that Bible study too. Sounds really neat. I need something like that too. God bless!