

Elephant's Child is hosting a link-up called Sunday Selections where we can post unused photos languishing in our archives. I have so many, I'd love to participate.

It involves posting the photos under the header, Sunday Selections, and linking back to her. My problem is that I don't know how to do that unless there's an actual linky to click on. Can anyone reading this tell me how to do it? 

This week's theme is Spring.


  1. Love the photos, especially that little fawn!
    To link to her, write the name of her blog on your post, then highlight it. Then at the top of your post, where the icons are for fonts... in the middle is one that kind of looks like a paper clip. Click it and a box will pop up. You type her blog address into it and hit save and it will show up as a link on your post. Hope that helps!

  2. The flowers are so pretty, and what a lovely deer and pier. Sorry I can't help, I don't think I've heard of this before.

  3. I love your selections. Thank you so much for joining us. Mari is right, that is one way to link but please also comment at my blog so others know to visit you.

  4. These are beautiful photos, I do not know much about links, but I am sure you will get help to do this from those who do.

  5. Hi Sandra~ I'm not very savvy with links and such, but I Think you are doing just great with this post. Your pictures are beautiful, and I love the little deer and touches of fall in the colors on the trees. We are going to start having much cooler weather starting tomorrow . . . The beginning of fall! Have a good week! Hugs, Barb

  6. Love all of your archive photos. I think we are all guilty of having some languishing on our files. That's a great way of sharing them.


Thanks for stopping by. Hope you enjoyed your visit and found something to make your day a little bit brighter.