

is post was written for Five Minute Friday
Word prompt--FORGET  
Five minutes to free write about it
The first thought that came to mind was the phrase, "lest we forget." That seems to be something we humans are prone to do--or at least this human (me) is. 

As I pondered the phrase during my quiet time this morning, I thought to leaf through an old tabbed notebook/journal of sorts in which I used to record ways the Lord had revealed Himself to me. Each incident was listed under the tab that best illustrated that particular facet of His nature--Jehovah Jireh, Jehovah Rapha, El Shaddai, etc. 

My notebook has other tabs as well, such as God's Grace, Pursued by God, Thus Saith the Lord, and Lessons Learned (some of which seem to have been forgotten over the years). 

It was not by chance the prompt to look for the notebook came to me at this moment in time when I've been feeling discouraged by what seems like a never ending stream of challenges and frustrations. Reminiscing over the memories provided me with some much needed encouragement, as well as a reminder that God never changes. What He did for me in the past, He is more than able to do again.  I can trust that He is in control, and though I may not know what tomorrow will bring, He does, and He holds tomorrow in His hand.

You saw me before I was born. Every 
day of my life was recorded in your 
book. Every moment was laid out 
before a single day had passed. 
(Psalm 139:16, NLT)


  1. Does God remember all my friends
    who no longer walk this Earth?
    Sacrificed to means and ends,
    did He bestow a bright rebirth
    although they lived unholy days
    while being yet devout?
    Are they Heaven's castaways,
    or did they get an out
    from the sin that they enjoyed,
    the women and tomfoolery,
    the potent drink that they employed...
    I need to know, you see,
    if their crooked paths condemn,
    for while they lived, I rolled with them.

  2. I do hope that you feel His love and comfort right now, and that He lifts you up.

  3. The hymn you included is the perfect accompaniment to your post.

    May you feel Christ's nearness today & always.


  4. Your words are full of comfort. I'm sorry you are dealing with things and will be praying for you.

  5. Your notebook sounds like an amazing way to remember the faithfulness and goodness of the Lord. May you continue to continue to find comfort and strength for the days ahead as you dwell on the One who holds all of your days.

  6. Love that song a lot. We used to sing it in a choir I belonged to.
    Your notebooks are wonderful and really help to remember all the Lord has done and brought you through. I need to remember too.

  7. I love that idea of categorising your notebook! That's such a good way not to forget His faithfulness and His character. Kath, your FMF neighbour at #4 this week.

  8. Wonderful ideas for a faith journal, Sandra. I'm glad you found yours and remembered a God who is faithful and knows what's best for us. That song brought back memories. Stay blessed!

  9. It's a nice encouraging post. Sometimes there's nothing left for me but God's promises. And that's enough. Even in times when I am not happy. I hope in His word.

    I think I'll look up my diaries too, in the closet in my bedroom. I have time to do that today.

  10. It is so important to journal, and even more important to read through it every now and then.
    Just stopped by from FMF #34

  11. It is really encouraging to look back and remember what God has done and what he has taught us in the past. I pray that remembering these things gives you hope and comfort in the difficulties you're facing.

  12. What a wonderful way to organize and remember God's faithfulness, Sandra! I'm so thankful He lifted the discouragement and brough encouragement. He is faithful!

    I'm lifting up a prayer for you and sending a virtual hug your way for the "never-ending stream of challenges and frustrations" that have come your way recently. May the Lord give you wisdom with each situation you are facing.


Thanks for stopping by. Hope you enjoyed your visit and found something to make your day a little bit brighter.