

This post was written for Five Minute Friday
Word prompt--FIGHT
Five minutes to free-write about it

First thoughts were 1 Timothy 6:12 (Fight the good fight...) and the image of this tree.  Unlike the mostly bare trees surrounding it, it has managed to hold on to quite a few of its colorful leaves--despite the winds and the rain. 

I wonder what my fight looks like. Not that great, I'm sure. 

Despite all the exhortations, words of encouragement, promises, and tools (like the armor of God) that are to be found in the Word of God, I falter, lose my cool, and get exasperated. I forget to take a deep breath, say the Serenity Prayer, and remember this is all just a test.

Right now my patience is being sorely tested. It has been for several days, causing me no end of frustration over all the time being wasted trying to connect to the right people over the phone.

There were things I needed to do today that I had to put off in order to wait for a delivery that never arrived. To make things worse, when I called the company, I was on the phone for over three hours--most of it on hold (with no option to leave my number and get a call back) and trying to get the robots that answer the phone to put me through to a live person. 

I could feel the pressure rising--until I remembered all the things I should never have forgot. As I got a grip of myself, took that deep breath, and reminded myself that this was just a test, not only did a great calm settle over me, but the issue was quickly resolved by a new person who came on the line.

There is a lot more I could write about the things I could have been doing instead of stewing while I was on hold, but my five minutes are up.



Friday's FMF word prompt was the word VOID. 

As I pondered what to write about, many thoughts of things that can leave a void crossed my mind. The death of a friend or loved one, the absence of what used to be familiar, or even just a feeling of something missing in your life that you can't quite put your finger on. The God shaped void within us that can only be filled by Him. 

I thought about these things as I read through the posts people had written, until I was stopped by a sonnet a dear FMF friend wrote as his comment to one of them.

My friend--our friend--Andrew Budek-Schmeiser, has been gifted with an amazing gift of words. Though he suffers from a terminal illness that leaves him depleted and in unimagineable pain, he continues to unselfishly bless us with his writing. I don't know how he does it.

His sonnets run the gamut from encouraging to humorous to deeply thought-provoking. The one he left as a comment on someone's response to the prompt was not only beautiful, but led me to look at that Divine void within us from a very different perspective--one I had never considered before. I hope he does not mind me sharing it. I don't think he will.

There's a God-shaped hole inside of me,
and I think this may sound odd,
but could perhaps might there just be
a me-shaped hole in God?
A spare that only I can fill,
a missing puzzle-part,
that requires my free will
to give Him my whole heart,
and if I choose to hold it back,
to stand aloof and proud,
there's something He will always lack,
even with a holy crowd,
for I am not just anyone;
I'm His well-loved adopted son. 

A friend I shared it with added another beautiful thought. Perhaps the same is true of every person God ordains for us to meet in this life. Perhaps He intended for us to provide to each other a gift that only we can give?



This post was written for Five Minute Friday
Word prompt--VOID
Five minutes to free-write about it

About a year ago I wrote a post about my shock and dismay when I saw that the two beautiful azalea bushes that had stood--one on each side of the entrance to our library--had been pulled out. 

Upon inquiry, the librarian told me that the powers that be had decided that the bushes should be replaced by something indigenous.

For a long time, there was a void where those bushes used to be. 

Today I visited the library for the first time in a while and was greeted by a wonderful surprise. The void was void no more. It was filled with colorful flowers.

I don't know the names of these flowers and whether or not they are indigenous, but they are very pretty, and were a most welcome sight.



Back in 2013, when I was struggling with depression and a bunch of regrets over the poor choices made in my youth that had led me to that point, I started a personal blog to help raise me out of the doldrums.

 Motivated by Philippians 4:8 that exhorts us with the words, "Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things",  I purposed to look for glimpses of God's grace throughout my days and find 365 positive things to write about. No deadline. No resolution to write a post a day or anything like that. 

It took me until 2022 to finish it. 

* * * * * * *

Fast forward to a couple of days ago when I started wondering why not all the comments I get e-mail notifications about actually show up on my blog. Well, come to find out that for some unknown reason, several of them wind up in spam. 

After rectifying that situation on my two active blogs, I decided to check out the other two, and much to my surprise discovered that somehow my personal blog had been set to have comments moderated before being posted, and there were 88 comments waiting to be moderated. Several of them contained questions, which obviously never got answered--like the one from Ginny at Let Your Light Shine, who wanted to know what the numbers in the header meant. Well, to answer your question, I was just numbering my posts from 1 to 365 so I could keep track of how many grace-filled moments I had found. 

Brenda at Lighthouse Vision had left a wonderful testimony that I only just got to read all these years later.

Some of you, like Mari at Mari's LittleCorner, Linda at Linda's Life Journaland Veronica Lee at Of Mice and Ramen, I know have been blog friends for a very long time, but others I didn't realize had already been blog friends way back then. 

I don't know what to say, except I'm so sorry I never acknowledged you way back then. 

This has been a most unusual and unexpected event.