The forecast had called for rain, but they were wrong. We woke up to a sky as blue as blue can be. Not a cloud in sight. Couldn't have asked for a more perfect day to have breakfast in the park with my friend, Wunmi (aka "Granddaughter"). Her treat.
We spent a very relaxing hour catching up and enjoying the beauty all around us. Hopefully it refreshed and energized her as much as it did me.
We had a great view of the pond, and I soon regretted not having my camera with me when two loudly honking Canada Geese made a beeline towards it. I did manage to capture them with my cell phone as they landed, but they're barely visible. Can you spot them? They're just past that big ripple in the water.
Although my cell phone takes good pictures, it falls short when you need to zoom in on something like the geese above, or the kids playing ball on the field adjacent to the pond in this shot. You have to look real close at the sandy looking area between the edge of the grass and the building at the back to see them.